Alas, Poor Yorick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

IronSyndicate · 13

So, other than the obvious reference - this deck actually does focus on Poor Yorick. As in, it really shines if resources are kept to a minimum.

Most of the cards here are really cheap, so you'll never need to be swimming in resources in order to make stuff work. Ideally, you'd want to burn through all your resources quickly and get Dark Horse out - then you've got a more than solid stat-line. Once you've got that out - you can start beating on things. Fire Axe is great, as you're at a whopping 7 fight and 2 damage (assuming you just keep recycling the one resource you get at the Refresh).

There's also a bit of a dumpster diver element to the deck, as it features quite a few consumables: Knife, Lantern, Stray Cat and the Baseball Bat that may break. If you lose these, it's not really a big deal. Between Yorick's innate ability and Resourceful - anything can come back.

Finally, Yorick's not really supposed to be the main cluever with this set-up, he's really best if paired up with someone who can investigate. However, he does have ways of getting around the low knowledge score with Gravedigger's Shovel, Evidence! and "Look what I found!".


Oct 13, 2017 Synisill · 794

Great build - most people complain about Yorick being so indigent. You, on the other side, turned this into a virtue! I wonder: why did not you include 2 Dark Horse, as it is the fuel for this build. 1 copy seems to be a bit risky at first sight...

Oct 13, 2017 IronSyndicate · 13

@Synisill- the card says "Limit 1 Per Investigator". Doesn't that mean I can only include 1 in my deck?

Oct 13, 2017 Arrdet · 13

@IronSyndicate - that is a limit on how many you can have in play at one time.

Oct 13, 2017 IronSyndicate · 13

@Arrdet- ah, I misunderstood then. That's great to hear! I'll add the second one then :D

Oct 13, 2017 Synisill · 794

Yes, Arrdet was a bit quicker to answer here. Just for your understanding: Exceptional is a deckbuilding keyword ability, cards with that word can only be taken once in a given deck.