Tony Morgan: The Wild Card

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaketrow · 4

Tony is a great character. His versatility is quite large, and there are lots of different things you can do with him. I chose Seeker because he was already really combat centered already, and so I made him a pseudo Roland. I went for the money Rogue style, because I think that is what they are really good at, besides being sneaky and self-preserving and things like that. Obfuscation is an insanely awesome card. Tony can be one of the richer characters out there, with Bounty Contracts, Tony's .38 Long Colt, and all of the Rogue cards I gave him. He should be on of the richest characters in the whole game, the only one who I think could outmatch him (at least in the Rogue class) is Preston Fairmont. Tony is a truck, because, listen to this, if you have Leo De Luca out, and you have Colt Vest Pocket in your hand, and you have Sleight of Hand you can play Sleight of Hand for the Colt Vest Pocket, and because of Tony's special ability, if an enemy has a bounty, you can blow all the ammo from Colt Vest Pocket and just crap on the boss, or just do total crowd control, because Leo gives you an extra action. And, don't worry "How am I gonna pay for Leo?! He's 6 resources!?!" Don't fret with this deck. You can pay for any card you need. That's Tony Morgan for ya. Let me know what cards I should put in.