Winifred Habbamock - Deck 1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GuyverProxy · 1

First time building a deck on the site...Looking for some general feedback.1


Jan 21, 2022 elkeinkrad · 481

This is my opinion and it may be worse than current one.

Ally choice: you have no Charisma so that you cannot play both Leo and Lonnie in level 0 deck. In general, Wini's deck tempo is enough fast to find a card, so that 4 ally looks too much, especially if you're plan to use Chuck Fergus,

Skill cards ratio: it seems that the number of skill cards is not enough. To maximize Wini's triggering ability, it's good to have lots of skill cards to commit a test.
Recommand: Manual Dexterity, "Watch this!", Quick Thinking, Perception (0-level base investigate perpose if need), Overpower if you want to fight with Mauser

Money source: there are NO money source in this deck. However, your deck requires lots of money because of some cards like Leo or Pilfer. You should add more money sources in deck.
Recommand: Faustian Bargain, Emergency Cache, "Watch this!", Sneak By

Event Notes: Cheap Shot is bad card. If you want to evade, just perform evade action with high agility. If you want to fight, play Backstab instead of Cheap Shot. If you need to add investigation tool, Breaking and Entering is another good solution.

In the Thick of It: How about In the Thick of It with 2 physical trauma? Since you have Leather Jacket, physical trauma may be acceptable.

Upgrade Note: If there is upgrade path as in side deck or text, we may give more good feedback.

Jan 21, 2022 elkeinkrad · 481

Another note: if you're not single play, "You handle this one!" is another good candidate. Instead of overcoming encounters, just give that encounter into another investigator with high , especially .