Carolyn with her Pokemon Squad

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Brainwash Carolyn 31 21 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

edwardc · 21

This carolyn deck is meant to utilize 2 recent traits that has been added to the recent expansions

Customizable & Synergy

-- Synergy

With Shrewd Analysis and Down the Rabbit Hole, Carolyn is guaranteed to have 3 different clases for synergy to work. If we are lucky, we can even get Peter Sylvestre for the 4th class.

Power Word solves the problem that Carolyn has - Enemy management. Once thrice Spoken and Tongue Twister gets upgraded, all the non elite enemy that she encounters became her tool to be utilized instead.

With that, Down the Rabbit Hole ensures us to get Power Word to the max

-- Upgrade Path

Ancient Stone should be upgraded asap since we will be able to unlock 2 copies with it with Shrewd Analysis. Helps with Carolyn job to heal horror

Max out Power Word with Thrice Spoken, Tongue Twister, Confess

Once these two cards are upgraded, one can either start putting in the synergy cards, or upgrade the healing options depending on the direction of the campaign

XP Path

Scenario 1 3xp: 2 copies of Ancient Stone(4) 3xp: Thrice Spoken.

Scenario 2 1xp: Confess 3xp: Tongue Twister 3xp: Peter Sylvestre

Scenario 3 3xp: Peter Sylvestre 3xp: Hallowed Mirror Include 2 copies of Earthly Serenity

Scenario 4 2x 3xp Earthly Serenity Include all the synergy cards with remaining exp

etc etc