Kane lets them bleed

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Orxel · 19

Charlie Kane in the opportunistic political leader mode: Gather coalition, let others do the work and get rid of them if not useful any more.


  1. Form a coalition and find your allys with the help of Friends in Low Places (individualized towards the "Ally" trait) or by drawing extra cards (Laboratory Assistant).
  2. Do a Motivational Speech to get your Allys behind you. The Ever Vigilant also allows to save on resources and setup actions forming your coalition. It brings out three allys for one action.
  3. Now let them do the dirty work (Toe to Toe, Kicking the Hornet's Nest).
  4. Let them bleed to make them more ferocious (Survival Knife), make damage (Guard Dog, Beat Cop) or to find an occasional clue (Grete Wagner).
  5. Get rid of them and make even more damage (Brother Xavier or to find clues (Mysterious Raven).
  6. Occasionally, those help arrives just in time (Hit and Run). This is especially profitable with a Laboratory Assistant for excess card draw. Also nice to flash in a Guard Dog just after initiating a Toe to Toe attack.
  7. Repeat.

Kanes Dog loving hobby makes sure that there are enough bodies on the ground, to be tapped and to make up for his low stats:

In the Thick of It can be easily shrugged off in this build - enough excess hit points and mental health available until anything will ever reach Charlie Kane.


Aug 28, 2023 dragonrider1212 · 1

I tried this deck out and got really slammed by Burden of Leadership. My take away was that this deck list doesn't have enough resource generation to recover from a total board wipe mid game. It's a neat idea though. I might try it again with a few edits.

Aug 28, 2023 Orxel · 19

I managed to win a Scarlet Keys Campaing with this build (acompanied by my son playing #Marie Lambeau). Resources definitely have been the bottom-neck and I had to use some experience to compensate throughout. Got lucky as well playing Curse of the Rougarou as a side quest and finding #Monstrous Transformation for the deck quite early. This is admittedly a bit unfair with #Charlie Kane, but seemed in flavor.