Kymani hires a driver - Flex/Fighter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Denary · 33

Kymani hires a driver

This deck is made to flexibly deal with enemies by evading while using your high score to leverage the many clue-getting events in . I played this deck during a 3-player run of The Forgotten Age, and managed to enter the Depths with only 3 Vengeance due to discarding instead of defeating enemies.

Kymani is not afraid of the Mythos

Unlike many of their rogue counterparts, Kymani Jones has a decent score, allowing them to pass more often than fail, especially after having a drink. However, they have to make up for their lower "active" stats, and what better way than to add/use their highest skill instead!

Key assets

  • Chuck Fergus: He's the driver! He's ready to drive over enemies or help Kimani get wherever they need. Can also begin with 2 copies by using 4/5 of Kymani's starting experience.
  • Pocket Multi Tool: The best off-class Tool card available to Kimani. Providing +1 during a test or helping discard enemies during evasions. Especially good when upgrades start rolling in.
  • Underworld Market: A card worth a whole section on itself. It will help you get whatever you need faster. It also helps save XP as we don't need duplicates of many of our important Illicit assets.
  • Crafty: Using this card in conjunction with Chuck Fergus helps you get a high score to reach those succeed by 2 thresholds. It also has the added bonus of paying for our Tools, or giving them a boost.

Running over enemies

Kymanis ability usually requires 2 actions to deal with most enemies, which may be below average when you consider dealing with 1 health enemies. Thus, our events help us automatically evade enemies or get rewardedfor doing so.

Cruising for Clues

Although Thieves' Kit is a great card for Kimani to flex with, the action compression of Breaking and Entering and Pilfer can help push the game forward with a few actions.

Mulligans & Cards in Underworld Market

Priority for Mulligans are those typical for Chuck Fergus decks.

  1. Chuck Fergus & Lone Wolf
  2. Grappling Hook & Lucky Cigarette Case
  3. Everything else

For Underworld Market, you should try to grab things that will help right away. No enemies? Grab Thieves' Kit for clues or Liquid Courage/Tennessee Sour Mash for survivability. Lots of enemies to deal with? Maybe an I'll take that will help you play an item or a .25 Automatic helps shoot an enemy.

Upgrade path

I would recommend this path for main upgrades, which may be bought in any order.

.25 Automatic >>> Dirty Fighting (2) Pickpocketing >>> Pickpocketing(2) "I'll take that!" >>> Fence (3) Lone Wolf >>> Crafty (3) 2x Chuck Fergus (2) >>> 2x Chuck Fergus (5)

Other than that, Double, Double is a fantastic card that really boosts our action economy. And upgrading any of the events into higher versions can be done based on what your team needs most at the time.

I do not own all of the sets but have a few packs from each cycle, so please feel free to add any cards you have! As always any feedback is appreciated!