Action Payday

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CharlyTheBear · 16

Action Payday

This deck is all about evading, drawing cards and getting additional actions. It makes for some really fun combinations and is quite addictive, as you dance around your enemies while getting payed for it.

How To Play

In the beginning you focus on getting out Pickpocketing or at least Lucky Cigarette Case and use them as much as possible. Finn gets one evade action for free, so he is happy to enter locations with a prepared enemy, just to evade it immediately.

Your second priority is playing Leo De Luca, followed up by getting out High Roller. To afford all of this, try to use Pay Day as the last action of a turn in which you used one free evade or one free Leo action, preferably both :)

With this setup you should be able to easily pass most skill checks by using High Roller and some skill cards if needed.

Later on Borrowed Time can help you prepare for a 7-9 action turn, to solve tricky situations, like killing an enemy with high stamina or distracting multiple enemies, investigating and moving on to the next location.


Hard mulligan for Pickpocketing and Lucky Cigarette Case, as they allow you to draw all your other critical pieces. The only exception is a Leo De Luca on your first hand. Keep him, as he gives tremendous value when played early on.

Even though you might be tempted to keep a High Roller on your first hand, don't do it unless you also hold at least Pickpocketing or Lucky Cigarette Case.

Upgrade Path

This is the current version I run after getting 13 XP. When starting out use Hard Knocks as a low tier replacement for High Roller. Also consider using Decorated Skull or Burglary as a replacement for Pay Day.


Oct 20, 2023 david6680 · 63

I think you need to add some clue support in this deck. Lockpicks or Mag Glass would make him more valuable to the team.

Oct 21, 2023 CharlyTheBear · 16

I actually tried Lockpicks and found that there was not too much use for them, as High Roller provides enough boost for most investigations and my team already has another strong investigator.

That said, I see how early on (aka with 0 XP) one or two Mag Glasses can make the deck more balanced, especially when running it solo.