> Flirt

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ruduen · 951

> Call Her "Mom"

> Flirt


0-Ish XP, Taboo 23-08-30

  • Clue: ★★★★☆
  • Enemy Management: ★★★☆☆
  • Resilience: ★★☆☆☆
  • Support: ★★☆☆☆
  • Consistency: ★★★☆☆

Find an enemy. Flirt with them. Flirt with them more.


This is the 0-XP version of an Alessandra deck that I've started a Return to Circle Undone campaign with. Using it, Alessandra proceeded to repeatedly lockpick the high shroud locations while flirting with her bonus, spare, and other remaining actions to take care of the other ones. Suffice it to say, Fine Clothes is an essential part of having others deal with the dangerous spots while you chill in a safe place. Clear locations in ways Flashlight could only dream of, and handle any odd enemies with easy evasions. With low XP, you might struggle a little with elites, but you have plenty of tools to handle the rest.


Dig hard for Fine Clothes, Beguile, and/or Lockpicks. Get clues with Lockpicks or your innate until an enemy shows up. The moment you find a non-Hunter enemy, Flirt with them and start looking for 2- shroud locations to get all of the clues. If you happen to pull a , use Eldritch Tongue to flirt with them again.


  • The combination of Beguile and Fine Clothes is amazing. If there's a location that Flashlight would work at, you could use this combination to constantly sweep. If there's an enemy with 2 or fewer evasion, you can take care of it. Since it's a bonus action, you can do all of these with little effort.
  • Did you get unlucky? An can happen sometimes. It's fine if it does - Eldritch Tongue can grab it back. (Remember, the ruling on De Vermis Mysteriis indicates attachments circumvent the standard remove from game rules, so Beguile can be grabbed again and again.)
  • Alessandra isn't a primary fighter, but you can handle an enemy should one appear. Distract them by moving them with Beguile, Drain Essence if you've taken some damage, Existential Riddle if it's a hunter, or use String of Curses and Eldritch Tongue to snatch a few bonuses along the way. You may not be a primary fighter, but you've got a handful of options to deal with the one-offs, even before resorting to evasion with Manual Dexterity.
  • Short on resources? Gregory Gry will be your main income, since it's easy to have resources trickle in when you're doing a bunch of difficulty 0 tests. Or, fall back on the good ol' Emergency Cache. This deck avoids using Grift for the same reason Clean Sneak isn't as common - it requires an enemy first, and that's the wrong situation for you to be gaining resources in.


Always Keep:

  • Fine Clothes x1: A -2 to difficulty is massive, and you'll want this to apply to the majority of your actions.
  • Beguile x1: The core of your strategy once a non-Hunter enemy appears.
  • Lockpicks x1: When handling high shroud locations and until an enemy appears, this will be your method of choice for advancing the act.

Sometimes keep:


I'm still thinking over changes through the course of a campaign, but here's what I would prioritize for the early parts:

High Priority

  • Bewitching: it's not on ArkhamDB yet, but Trick to the Plan can guarantee Beguile is available, and use that to move an enemy a couple of times without a test. That will save you a slot on the mulligan and handle early monster problems.
  • Friends in Low Places: You've got a handful of Tricks that could benefit. Alternatively, use it to find your items so you can get your snazzy outfit. Yes, it's that important.
  • Backpack (2): You can use it to find your snazzy outfit. Yes, it's still that important.
  • Underworld Market: Between Lockpicks, Fake Credentials, Disguise, Grift, and Pickpocketing, you can easily fit together a suite of additional cards that let you dig for essentials through your first few turn while putting more niche options in your deck. Eventually, you can also add Pay Day or Fake Credentials (4) to have a wider suite of options available from the start.
  • Chuck Fergus (2) and Chuck Fergus (4): You've got a handful of notable tricks that could benefit from either becoming fast or becoming easier.


Thanks for taking the time to read over this! Thoughts and feedback are always appreciated. Here's to actually getting to try this deck out in a physical form soon!


Feb 01, 2024 Shandras · 3

I think you misunderstood the De Vermis Mysteriis ruling; In the example, it clarifies that the RFG happens when the attachment is discarded, rather than upon resolving the effect that happens when you play it. This means that you can grab Beguile from the discard and attach it like you'd want to, but if it is then subsequently discarded, it will still be removed from the game.

Feb 01, 2024 Ruduen · 951

@Shandras Thanks for the clarification! There's some ambiguity in the wording, but it doesn't really change the purpose of keeping Eldritch Tongue in the deck - it does its job of giving you a second chance to find the card on the first failure, and hopefully by a subsequent failure, you're able to get another copy of Beguile to repeat.