Solo Soozey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MicNic · 480

Big Sooze is our green gooey gal that has certainly learned how to pull off a strong hat game, but otherwise seems intimidating to build for everything ELSE(!) in Arkham.

So for the amorphous, the gelatinous, and the intimidated-to-start-deck-building, here is a solo deck to get your sentient, hungry and somewhat concerning creative juices going.

As always, the Moneyball approach to Arkham is to get clues. Solo Sooze will often just need the one from each location and once she devours her way up to 6 stats you will need precious little help. Until then, her 60ish card deck contains 15 cards explicitly dedicated to clues. I would cut exactly 0 of them.

Upgrading Sooze is weird and I'm still getting my head around it. That said, the deck is designed to largely focus down a Survivor and Seeker upgrade path. There are 7 Rogue cards and 8 Mystic cards (& Scroll of Secrets) that can pull their weight until the end of a campaign. It is easy to munch the assistants and students that are following you around to study / draw you and therefore easy to force Seeker as the upgrade path after a scenario. Strange Solution upgrades finally feel good because maybe Sooze is just made of Strange Solution anyway?

One of the particular surprises I have found in playing Subject 5U-21 is that fast and/or empty assets really let you sit with an Uncontrolled Hunger burning through your play area whilst maintaining a large stat line. Leather Jacket could be a nice include to help maintain action pace, but I've tried to keep the deck on the cheaper side. Switchblade was considered, but cut because it's Switchblade.

Sooze brings a lot of promise in multiplayer, where there will be all sorts of room to build cool cross-class combos. This deck doesn't have any of those (sorry!), but I hope it will be a helpful starter for those wishing to solo or flex.


Feb 18, 2024 bwyble · 20

I think you might be misinterpreting Raveous in uncontrolled mode. Any cards consumed during uncontrolled mode go out of play, they do not sit under ravenous. This means you are not able to maintain a high stat line. At best you can manage it somewhat, e.g. play Regurgitation at strategic points so that you drift like 4,5,6,5,4,5,6 and so on

Feb 18, 2024 MicNic · 480

I don't think there is a misinterpretation:

I play the scenario until I have devoured the 5th card and placed it under Ravenous. It flips to the uncontrolled side:

"Forced - At the end of your turn: Devour a non-story card beneath Ravenous or controlled by an investigator at your location."

If I have a load of assets already sitting out in play, they are cards "controlled by an investigator". I can choose to devour these (putting them out of play) and maintain the 5 cards underneath Ravenous Uncontrolled Hunger.

You are fully able to sit there obliterating assets in play and not reducing the cards under Ravenous. You may not wish to do this, but it is a viable option.

Feb 18, 2024 bwyble · 20

Yes, that's true, but the uncontrolled side of Ravenous also says that any devoured cards are set aside, out of play. This is in contrast to the controlled side which says that devoured cards are placed under Ravenous.

She's quite a puzzle to get right. The massive deck size makes it challenging to build a deck concept around a card combo. I made a guardian build and even getting a near-guaranteed weapon draw in the first hand is nigh impossible despite cards like prepared for the worst etc. The lack of permanents is also painful.

But she is fun!