Luke the Librarian Wields True Magick, version 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

An_Undecayed_Whately · 1091

I still haven't tried this out, but I continue to ruminate on ways to improve the earlier deck featuring True Magick.

We're still going for a generalist that leans towards combat, but also contributes meaningfully to clues and encounter-deck-management.

Basic Seeker Stuff

With an average intellect stat and limited Seeker upgrades, Luke will not be the best clue-finder in town. But he certainly carries his weight when augmented with Perception, Deduction, and True Understanding.

Don't forget that Luke's innate power lets him use Read the Signs at an adjacent location. This is handy for high shroud values, or when there are enemies parked on top of clues. And Crack the Case lets Luke profit from helping move the act deck along.

Low XP: Mystic Gunslinger

At low XP we're using the Librarian to fetch the Lexicon to load the deck with copies of the powerful combat spell Blood-Rite. And he'll always make an Astounding Revelation while searching. Or use the Initiate to grab various other spells. Install spell assets as a usual mystic, but you likely won't get much mileage from Scrying until it's upgraded.

Higher XP: Luke Wields True Magick

After you have some experience, swap the Lexicon for True Magick. With each card you upgrade whole new possibilities are opened.

A key trait of the tome is use from spell assets without having to waste the resources, actions, or slots to put them into play. This deck tries to make maximum use from that fact. So keep these spells in hand and cast them via True Magick:

Enchanted Bow is a standout here. When used, this exhausts the tome. It can snipe at enemies in connecting locations, and the charge will be replenished next turn. Great for enemies with retaliate, aloof, or any effect that triggers via becoming engaged.

On turns when Luke isn't picking off enemies, you can exhaust the tome for Scrying. The main use is to arrange the encounter deck to match up treacheries to the investigator best-suited to cope. Or feel free to peek at an investigator deck if someone is digging for a vital card. Note the 0 XP version uses an action while the 3 XP version is , so that's a great benefit to your team.

Sixth Sense can be used in conjunction with True Magick as well. It doesn't exhaust or use charges, so use whenever. It substitutes your higher willpower stat and related commit options, but this precludes intellect skill cards like Deduction.

Last (but not least) is Blood Pact. This spell is also , so use it if your life is on the line. And be sure to use it for every test during the "witching hour" when doom would advance the agenda anyways.

The Backup Plan

Brand of Cthugha is there because you have an open arcane slot. It's versatile, can't harm engaged allies, and the Enchanted Bow only gets one shot per turn. Use it to finish off enemies. But whenever possible use the bow first in order to conserve charges. Also it's a great stopgap weapon early in a scenario while you're assembling your kit.

Later XP Ideas

Brand of Cthugha (4), Ward of Protection (2), Hemispheric Map (3), Deduction (2), Sixth Sense (4), and Arcane Initiate (3) are all fine upgrades for late in a campaign.

For campaign starter pull out all the XP cards and swap in the side deck. Delve Too Deep and Arcane Research will help with upgrading spells over the course of a campaign, so this deck should be attainable after about 4 scenarios.