Heavy Reading - Grandma Slaps Enemies with True Magick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaltyElderberry · 35

As soon as I saw "Throw the Book at Them!", I knew that I needed to build around this card. This deck focuses on the using True Magick to sling spells from your hand. Occasionally, you can slap someone with the book (using TTBAT) and a spell will just pop out which is great! Sometimes even money falls out if you are holding Alchemical Transmutation!

This deck is surprisingly functional and fun to play. I have seen it perform well in solo standalone mode. Gloria can attack at 6 with TTBAT. Cat Mask can buff up the fight value to 8 as well. This deck needs True Magick out early and you want to aggressively mulligan for it. Knowledge is Power is there for some additional play from hand action!

If you can get Enchanted Bow in hand, the deck will really take off using True Magick to snipe enemies at connecting locations!

Coupled with Gloria doing her encounter deck fixing, this deck really sticks it to the Mythos.

Let me know any thoughts or experience with this deck.


Aug 22, 2024 Blackwood · 231

I don't understand which book you use for TTBAT ?

Aug 22, 2024 Rancord · 1679

He uses True Magick. That said, Gloria is a totally broken character and trivializes the game to a ridiculous amount, so as long as you bring Alyssa and some tempo for clueing, its busted

Aug 23, 2024 nickieG · 1

How does true magick help? Throw the book at them is not a spell.

Aug 23, 2024 nickieG · 1

oh true magick is a tome! ok. sorry about that. i've answered my own question