Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CuttlefishBeyondTheStars · 74

This is the deck I used for the Plaguebearer fan-made campaign, in a 2-investigator pair with Mark Harrigan as the primary fighter. The goals of this deck were to enjoy new Hemlock Vale cards, play Machi Koro seeker, and bring All The Science.

My deck leaned more into the cluever role throughout the campaign because I really didn't need to fight monsters when Mark did it so well. Microscope rewards being on the same space as an enemy (whether evading or letting your bodyguard kill it), and I had the occasional solution when needed with a Transmogrify, Confound, or Universal Solvent (we inserted the Blob oneshot into this campaign, and I appreciated the extra slotless Science asset). I only used Transmogrify once, but it was both funny and useful, so I'm still glad I brought it.

This was not a fast-drawing deck; I don't think I actually used an Aetheric Current throughout the campaign. But with the number of assets I prepared, I was able to keep enough assets ready to place clues and keep the train rolling once I got the first couple of clues to start it. Roughly 1/3 of the deck being skills helped get those first 2 clues before I could rely on placing clues for a bonus. Well-Funded, of course, is made for Kate, but it doesn't come online until you're already set up. Survey the Area is a better option that works right out the gate with a higher bonus. Unearth the Ancients is such good econ when it gets a clue as well, but there was at least one scenario I could never use it because I would rather test the lower shrouds than the combined costs when I wasn't already set up.

The Machi Koro seeker archetype (get an effect when you succeed by exactly X) was very fun to play; Steady-Handed is essential. Dr. Charles West III combos nicely with the Microscope as well when you have an enemy that just needs the extra 1-damage ping. It worked especially well on aloof enemies and when campaign cards/mechanics allowed me to avoid attacks of opportunity. Chemistry Set isn't great compression--it takes a lot to get that second clue--but it is a level 0 card. I did not find a place for Lab Coat even with Machi Koro, Science synergy, and Alchemical Distillation. It might have been a nice addition. but wasn't enough value for me to edge out the cards I already had.

Fine Tuning only went off once or twice--for VERY high value turns combined with an extra action for a double Microscope. I felt it was worth the one-of.

Confound is, for Kate, a strict upgrade of Eavesdrop. I don't think things ever lined up for me to use either of them, actually.

Ravenous Myconid is widely recognized as a card that is probably too strong, but the healing version was good in a way that was still fun for me. For one thing, I wasn't drawing enough to rely on getting this one-of every scenario. Second, the resource cost, requirement for oversuccess, and action cost (to heal if not to load) were all real costs that I felt. With a better pilot, it probably could have been stronger, and there's a reason we didn't use the otherversions, but it was not an un-fun level of overpowered in my experience.