Patrice Hathaway (FFG Starter Decklist)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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morvael · 1

From Arkham Horror: The Card Game Investigator Decklists v7

Patrice Hathaway Strategy Tips

Patrice Hathaway is a resourceful survivor who draws a fresh new hand of cards every round. In addition to giving to her access to a new suite of cards to play each round, this also lets her commit cards to skill tests without fear, since all of those cards would be discarded at the end of the round, anyway.

Due to the nature of her ability, Patrice’s skills are often only as good as the skill icons in your hand. Your approach to any given round may change depending on the whims of fate. Be prepared to alter your strategy at any moment depending on the hand that you draw. If you are confronted by a tough encounter card, you may have to wait until you have the right hand in order to deal with it. Thankfully, Patrice’s access to mystic cards like Shrivelling and Blinding Light gives you the ability to leverage her high willpower in these situations.

The trickiest aspect to playing as Patrice is knowing when to play the cards in your hand and when not to. It can often be tempting to play every card in your hand every round. However, it can also be wise to save your resources for next turn, since you never know what options you might draw into. If you draw a card you don’t need, use Patrice's Violin to discard it for a resource or a new card.

Patrice’s weakness, the Watcher from Another Dimension, is something you always need to be ready to deal with. A well-timed Stray Cat, Shrivelling, Blinding Light, or Baseball Bat can help you get rid of it.