Carson the Tank Engine - Final - Bustercon 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nitrous-acrostic · 129

This deck is being played at at BusterCon2024 for EotE Ironman alongside Mark (monster handling), Daisy (cluver), and ||Agnes (flex); hoping to hit 32 xp. The goal of the deck is to never try and pass a test, give out 3 actions, a turn and soak all the things. Survivor off-class is there for enabling draw (Take Heart for himself, At a Crossroads(1) for the team.)
Another focus of the deck is healing, particularly Ally healing to keep the Partner assets alive.

Priority upgrades are Safeguard(2), the Hunters Armor upgrades, and Girish; after 20 xp he is basically set up. The remaining 12 XP is planned for upgrading skills, but Dynamite Blast(3) or Stand Together(3) are in the sideboard in case more damage or draw is needed.

 Cost  Total
 1  Safeguard    Safeguard •• 2 XP 2 XP
   Safeguard    Safeguard •• 2 XP 4 XP
   Tetsuo Mori  →  Girish Kadakia •••• 4 XP 8 XP
   Tetsuo Mori  →  Girish Kadakia •••• 4 XP 12 XP
   Hunter's Armor    ☑☑ Durable 2 XP 14 XP
   Hunter's Armor    ☑☑ Hallowed 2 XP 16 XP
   Hunter's Armor    ☑☑ Protective Runes 2 XP 18 XP
   True Grit  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 19 XP
   Something Worth Fighting For  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 20 XP
   Leadership    Leadership •• 2 XP 22 XP
   Leadership    Leadership •• 2 XP 24 XP
   Vicious Blow    Vicious Blow •• 2 XP 26 XP
   Vicious Blow    Vicious Blow •• 2 XP 28 XP
   Hunter's Armor    ☑☑☑ Armor of Thorns 3 XP 31 XP
   Something Worth Fighting For  →  Nature of the Beast 1 XP 32 XP

(View at


Sep 25, 2024 Krysmopompas · 363

I always like this sponge style of Carson. did you get to 32 xp?

Sep 25, 2024 nitrous-acrostic · 129

We ended up at 22 XP because some unlucky treachery draws resulted in us dooming out during Ice and Death pt 1. Fortunately that was enough to get the core of the deck running: Safeguard(2), Girish, the armor upgrades, and I tossed in a Dynamite Blast(3) for Heart of Madness pt 2.

Sep 26, 2024 Pseudo Nymh · 54

I was the Mark deck playing alongside this Carson and I can vouch for the deck's consistency. The soak really really helped Mark and Parallel Agnes to leverage their abilities, and nitrous-acrostic was great at distributing actions. Was a thing of beauty to see in action!

Sep 27, 2024 Coshuda · 1

Honestly this might be one of the most fun looking support decks to pilot I have ever seen in this game. Love it!

Sep 30, 2024 acotgreave · 836

Love this. I'm starting a campaign with a deck inspired by this one. Only a few changes.