Finn Edwards Sneaky Seeker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JadiimJedi · 13

Going with multiple allies was just too expensive to play for Finn. Lockpicks is a must-take upgrade for Finn after the first mission. Played a few times and feels like he needs more agility to continue evading (Lola) so we have Leo early and upgrade to Lola early. Backpack is mostly there as additional way to get Lockpicks (they are that good) so I also added Magnifying Glass as an additional payoff card. Tooth of Eztli is experimental, but the best accessory we have access to playing early. Pickpocketing is solid and even better when upgraded.


May 16, 2018 yourmomlies · 2

I avoided all of the big money rogue cards:

I'm opting for consistency and toolbox. How's Double or Nothing working out for you? Are you playing with a seeker? Do you think the omission of Logical Reasoning is something you can play around (or do you expect someone else to have it)?

May 17, 2018 JadiimJedi · 13

Double or Nothing is Deduction #3+4 for me, with magnifying glass and Finn's good investigate skill. They have been OK but not must-have.

I do not play with Seeker I play with other characters that are self sufficient. This build is for the new campaign which is not heavy on head checks like some other campaigns. Logical Reasoning is a safe choice for Finn, but I opted for more clue gathering and so far it has been fine.