Roland through Dunwich, play and analysis - Episode 1: 1-B

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Roland through Dunwich, play and analysis - Episode 2: 1-A 4 1 3 1.0

llwulff · 76


This is my first attempt at a complete playthrough of The Dunwich Legacy campaign which I will annotate and analyze to the best of my ability. There are a few reasons for why I am posting this, none of which have to do with any sublime deck building insights on my part nor any delusions of flawless execution of strategy or perfect play, quite the opposite. My goal is quite simply to survive the journey through Dunwich. More so, it is to endure or perhaps even enjoy the misery and misfortune that is bound to befall Roland on his ill fated adventure. Hopefully I will learn a thing or two from Roland's inevitable struggles and likely demise.

This account of Roland's travels is primarily for my own amusement and education, but any comments, questions or criticisms are more than welcome as long as they are constructive.

Disclaimer: I have played the introductory scenarios of Dunwich a few times, The Miskatonic Museum and The Essex County Express once each, and from Blood on the Altar I will be going in blind.

The House Always Wins. Scenario 1-B.

Starting hand initial draw (mulliganed the italicized):.

Art Student, .45 Automatic, Calling in Favors, Evidence!, Magnifying Glass


Unexpected Courage, Evidence!, Emergency Cache

Turn 1:

  1. Play .45 Automatic (1 Resource)
  2. Play Emergency Cache (4 Resources)
  3. Draw: Art Student

Clover Club Pit Boss moves to La Bella Luna

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (5 Resources). Draw: Haunted

Turn 2:

Mythos: Doom +1 (1 in play). Draw: Cursed Luck

  1. Activate Haunted
  2. Activate Haunted Discard
  3. Draw: Laboratory Assistant

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (6 Resources). Draw: .45 Automatic

Turn 3:

Mythos: Doom +1 (2 in play) Draw: Arousing Suspicions Doom +1 on Clover Club Pit Boss (3 in play)

  1. Move to Clover Club Lounge
  2. Activate. Discard Laboratory Assistant (4 Resources)
  3. Gain 1 Resource (5 Resources)

Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Clover Club Lounge

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (6 Resources). Draw: Calling in Favors


First, I did not read Clover Club Lounge thoroughly and incorrectly assumed it cost 2 resources in addition to the discard.

Second, selecting which ally to discard felt like the first real decision of the game. My first instinct was to discard Art Student thinking that I would not need more clue gathering and that the card draw of Laboratory Assistant might put me in a position to earn more exp. In the end I decided that I had already spent quite a lot of time in the early stages and my setup of an equipped weapon and a spare in hand meant that the redundancy of a second Art Student was the safer choice.

Turn 4:

Mythos: Doom +1 (4 in play) the Agenda advances. Clover Club Pit Boss loses aloof and engages. Draw: Swarm of Rats engages

  1. Activate .45 Automatic (3 ammo) Fight Clover Club Pit Boss. Commit Unexpected Courage. Draw '-2', succeed by 1. Discard Cursed Luck
  2. Activate .45 Automatic (2 ammo) Fight Clover Club Pit Boss. Draw 'Skull', succeed by 0. Clover Club Pit Boss dies.
  3. Fight Swarm of Rats. Draw '-2' Swarm of Rats dies.

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (7 Resources). Draw: Vicious Blow

Turn 5:

Mythos: Doom +1 (1 in play). Draw: Arousing Suspicions (5 Resources)

  1. Move to Clover Club Bar
  2. Activate. Have a drink. Draw: Working a Hunch, Roland's .38 Special (3 Resources) (Clues 4, Act advances).
  3. Move to Clover Club Cardroom

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (4 Resources). Draw: Guts. Discard: .45 Automatic

Turn 6:

Mythos: Doom +1 (2 in play). Draw: Arousing Suspicions (2 Resources)

  1. Move to Darkened Hall
  2. Move to VIP Area Play Fast Working a Hunch (1 Clue) (0 Resources)
  3. Move to Darkened Hall

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (1 Resource). Draw: Emergency Cache

Turn 7:

Mythos: Doom +1 (3 in play) Agenda Advances. Spawn Servant of the Lurker. Draw: Twist of Fate ('-3', 1 damage).

  1. Move to Art Gallery
  2. Play Emergency Cache (4 Resources)
  3. Play Roland's .38 Special (1 Resource)

Servant of the Lurker moves to Clover Club Cardroom

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (2 Resources). Draw: Preposterous Sketches


After a brief evaluation I decide that I am in a fairly decent position to attempt killing Servant of the Lurker. My aim is to take the fight at a location with a clue and I do not like the idea of not moving for a few turns so I set up the needed items this turn and prepare for the fight at Back Alley

Turn 8:

Mythos: Doom +1 (1 in play) Draw: Something in the Drink, surge Rotting Remains. Commit Guts. Draw 'Skull', succeed by 0. Draw: Evidence!.

  1. Lost action
  2. Play Art Student (2 Clues) (0 resources)
  3. Move to Darkened Hall

Servant of the Lurker moves to Darkened Hall, engages and attacks (Art Student takes 1 damage 2 horror, 1 damage on Roland). Discard Working a Hunch, Magnifying Glass

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (1). Draw: Deduction


Something in the Drink forced me to reevaluate. I had already taken the clue from Art Gallery so the choice to take the fight with a +3 modifier seemed lost. With that in mind I decided to let the first attack determine the course, if I could connect with Vicious Blow I could gamble for 1 more success, otherwise I might be forced into Resigning almost immediately. It is amazing how one lost action made what I judged to be a reasonably safe situation incredibly precarious.

Turn 9:

Mythos: Doom +1 (2 in play) Draw: Arousing Suspicions (0 Resources)

  1. Activate .45 Automatic (1 ammo) Fight Servant of the Lurker. Commit Vicious Blow. Draw '-1', succeed by 1, (3 damage on Servant of the Lurker)
  2. Activate .45 Automatic (0 ammo) Fight Servant of the Lurker. Draw '-3', failed.
  3. Activate Roland's .38 Special (3 ammo) Fight Servant of the Lurker. Draw '-2', failed.

Servant of the Lurker attacks (3 damage, 2 horror on Roland). Discard Magnifying Glass, Unexpected Courage

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (1 Resource). Draw: Beat Cop


After connecting the 3 damage I felt committed to seeing it through, abomination be damned, enough bullets will surely see me through to Dr. Francis Morgan!

Turn 10:

Mythos: Doom +1 (3 in play). Draw: Swarm of Rats

  1. Activate Roland's .38 Special (2 ammo) Fight Servant of the Lurker. Commit Beat Cop. Draw '-2', succeed by 0. (5 damage on Servant of the Lurker) dies.
  2. Fight Swarm of Rats. Draw '-1' dies.
  3. Move to Back Alley

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (2 Resources). Draw: Laboratory Assistant

Turn 11:

Mythos: Doom +1 (4 in play). Draw Cursed Luck

  1. Play Art Student (4 Clues) (0 resources)
  2. Move to Darkened Hall
  3. Move to VIP Area Act advances.

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (1 Resource). Draw: Machete

Turn 12:

Mythos: Doom +1 (5 in play). Draw Swarm of Rats

  1. Parley with Dr. Francis Morgan. Commit Preposterous Sketches. Draw '-2', failed. 1 damage from Swarm of Rats (4 damage on Roland).
  2. Parley with Dr. Francis Morgan. Draw '-2', failed. 1 damage from Swarm of Rats (5 damage on Roland).
  3. Parley with Dr. Francis Morgan. Draw '+1', succeeded by 0. Take control of Dr. Francis Morgan. Discard Cursed Luck. 1 damage from Swarm of Rats (6 damage on Roland).

Upkeep: Gain 1 Resource (2 Resources). Draw: Preposterous Sketches

Thoughts: First, I forgot that Parley actions do not trigger attacks of opportunity.

Second, it truly seemed as if saving Dr. Francis Morgan was no longer a realistic goal, but Roland steeled himself to attempt to wake Dr. Francis Morgan one last time, and if need be, abandon him to his grisly fate. Luck, and I do mean luck, nothing else, prevailed and Roland carefully plotted the final mad dash to the exit.

Turn 13:

Mythos: Doom +1 (6 in play). Draw: Conglomeration of Spheres

  1. Move to Darkened Hall. Swarm of Rats and Conglomeration of Spheres attack (7 damage, 1 horror on Roland) (1 damage on Dr. Francis Morgan)
  2. Move to Back Alley. Swarm of Rats and Conglomeration of Spheres attack (8 damage, 2 horror on Roland) (2 damage on Dr. Francis Morgan)
  3. Resign!


O'banion gang has a bone to pick with the investigators

The investigators rescued Dr. Francis Morgan. *(Added to deck)

5 victory points (Servant of the Lurker, Clover Club Pit Boss, VIP Area, Art Gallery, Back Alley)

Final thoughts:

Well that was an experience! I would be hard pressed to come up with a more cinematic ending than Roland's wild scramble for the exit which nearly spiraled out of control at the very end. The decision to go for the Lurker almost turned out to be a fatal one, only Roland's fortitude and dumb luck allowed me to secure Dr. Francis Morgan.

In regards to the deck itself, I found it to be fairly functional. There were two main areas in which I thought it was a bit lacking, primarily the economy and being able to boost skill checks reliably, I'll keep this in mind when I upgrade.

To be continued ...


May 28, 2018 damirius · 1110

Interesting thing about Back Alley is that you don't get it's Victory point because, if I remembered correctly, you had 2 clues when you were resigning. When you resign or you are defeated you drop all your clues on your current location, since you dropped 2 clues on Back Alley you don't get it's Victory points because location isn't cleared of clues.

I know it's a bit "stupid", but that's how it goes. If you wanna play around that you can get "I'm outta here!" and resign from some other location (not an option for Roland of course) or Dr. William T. Maleson/Forewarned (where you can cancel some treachery, again, on some non-victory location so you can drop all your clues there).

In any case thank you for writing this playthrough, I love reading them! Keep it up!

May 28, 2018 llwulff · 76

Thank you for the encouragement and thank you for pointing out my rules mistake, learning and improving is a huge part of why I choose to do these write-ups. I think the fact that, on the surface, the ruling seems counterintuitive made me not really examine it at all, shame on me.

Now all I have to do is figure out a way to course correct the remaining campaign. I will think about that and I will address it in the introduction to the next episode. Thank you again!

May 29, 2018 damirius · 1110

Don't worry about it too much, I think everyone misses some rule from time to time and this one is easily overlooked, especially since you are solo and you are finishing your scenario in the same time as that resign happens. If you ask me, I would just keep playing with that XP, but it's of course your choice. Will continue reading, thanks again for your write-ups!