Marky Mark

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dicegods · 1

Here's my first shot at actually building a deck for Marky Mark. Tear it up!


Sep 28, 2018 Faranim · 399

I recently played thru a campaign with Mark. He draws lots of cards with his character ability, so you want to include as many cheap and Fast Cards as you can, to ensure his hand doesn't get clogged. You also want to include as much healing as you can because Sophie is really good but you need to be able to keep your total damage around 3 or less.

I would drop the following cards, since I find they end up almost never being played out of hand for Mark:

  • "If it bleeds..." -> You already have Smoking Pipe to heal horror. Dodge is just as good at preventing the horror in the first place
  • Reckless Assault -> you almost never need that much extra , Overpower to cycle thru your deck is probably better
  • Knife is pretty junky. I would at rather take Flashlight to help grab clues from 1-2 Shroud locations. If you are really worried about weapons, Survival Knife is great for Mark since he can draw cards during the Enemy phase when he takes damage.

Cards you forgot

  • Mark can take Level 0 Tactic cards from other classes, most notably Shortcut and Elusive are great for him. Elusive can help move around the map in scenarios where you need to Resign or get close to other investigators in a hurry
  • Scene of the Crime is a great way to get clues (similar to Evidence!, but it works even without any monsters to kill). You may also want to try and take On the Hunt to ensure you can draw an enemy when needed.
  • You probably want both copies of Emergency Cache since Guardian decks are expensive to set up. Even after purchasing Ever Vigilant it can be hard to pay for all the cards you want to use, especially if you build into Charisma or the more expensive weapons (Lightning Gun, Shotgun, etc)