Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
Defuse the Explosives Карти контактів Сюжет Part 1. The Blob That Ate Everything 24 Mi-Go Incursion 4
Drive Off the Mi-Go Карти контактів Сюжет Part 1. The Blob That Ate Everything 23 Mi-Go Incursion 3
Lt. Wilson Stewart: Logistical Genius Нейтральний 2 Актив. Ally Ally. Agency. Veteran. The Blob That Ate Everything 32 Mi-Go Incursion 12
Meteorite Sample Нейтральний Актив Item. The Blob That Ate Everything 26 Mi-Go Incursion 6
Mi-Go Abductor Карти контактів Ворог Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 36 Mi-Go Incursion 18
Mi-Go Drone Карти контактів Ворог Monster. Mi-Go. The Blob That Ate Everything 33 Mi-Go Incursion 13-15
Mi-Go General Карти контактів Ворог Monster. Servitor. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 27 Mi-Go Incursion 7
Mi-Go Harvester Карти контактів Ворог Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 34 Mi-Go Incursion 16
Mi-Go Meddler Карти контактів Ворог Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 35 Mi-Go Incursion 17
Mi-Go Weapon Нейтральний 2 Актив. Hand Weapon. Science. The Blob That Ate Everything 31 Mi-Go Incursion 11
Pet Oozeling Нейтральний 2 Актив Ally. Monster. Ooze. The Blob That Ate Everything 30 Mi-Go Incursion 10
Recover the Sample Карти контактів Сюжет Part 1. The Blob That Ate Everything 22 Mi-Go Incursion 2
Rescue the Chemist Карти контактів Сюжет Part 1. The Blob That Ate Everything 21 Mi-Go Incursion 1
The Military's Plan Нейтральний Актив The Blob That Ate Everything 28 Mi-Go Incursion 8
Universal Solvent Нейтральний 2 Актив Item. Science. The Blob That Ate Everything 29 Mi-Go Incursion 9
University Chemist Нейтральний Актив Bystander. Miskatonic. The Blob That Ate Everything 25 Mi-Go Incursion 5