The Tattered Cloak
Regalia Dementia

Актив. Body

Item. Clothing.

Cost: 2.

Health: 1. Sanity: –.

You get -1 sanity.

You get +1 , +1 , and +1 while you have 3 or fewer remaining sanity.

Jesse Mead
Echoes of the Past #143. Echoes of the Past #24.
The Tattered Cloak


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Looks like a card you would want to have with a desperate-deck. Getting you just that little bit faster to your sanity threshold while also giving you a buff as long as you keep it. You get this in scenario 3 after defeating the Possessed Oathspeaker, for everyone who might be wondering as I had :D

Tattered Cloak is also nice for important buffs in classes that don't have many options. For example Ursula would like an agility buff when using the Bow but Seekers don't have any static boosts AFAIK. I have used Crystalline Elder Sign with her before. Or Survivors getting a Combat boost (until Jessica Hyde showed up). You could play this with Pete with Peter S (L2) and the Teddy Bear and be at a 6/4/5/5. The Desperate Skills plan works but I didn't really enjoy playing the game when I went that route. — The Lynx · 980
Una de mis cartas de campaña favoritas. La utilice con Agnes Baker en un build de horror, con "cuchillo de carnicero" te ayuda a estar un paso mas cerca de tener 3 o menos de cordura y una vez estas en ese punto te da un +1 a las 3 habilidades que Agnes necesita para brillar. Con hechizos de busqueda o ataque +1 a voluntad, nunca sobra. Con "pelear o huir" potenciando tus ataques aprovechando tu cordura baja +1 de fuerza de "el manto" y el +2 de el cuchillo, yo resolvi tiradas estando 10 contra 4 en fuerza, indecente. Y con Pete Silvester dandonos +1 de voluntad y +1 de agilidad, nos vamos a 5 con "el manto", entonces ahora ademas de ser increibles con magia y bestias en el combate, tambien somos maquinas de evitar, indecente, profano, hermoso y sensual manto. — manucasali · 51

A cheap asset that grants a static boost to three (!) skills is an insane value. While it doesn’t help with , all the other stats help keep you alive against various treacheries and also for evasion. And it occupies the body slot, which is rarely contested by better options.

But the sanity hit is a concern, especially in a campaign which is famous for being brutal with dishing out horror.

There are some cards that make taking this an easy proposition. First are assets that can heal a horror each turn like Peter Sylvestre, Precious Memento, or Girish Kadakia. Having one of these lets you pretty much ignore the first point of horror that you suffer each turn. If it’s not your first trip down the Path to Carcosa you likely have considered these cards already.

Alternately, anyone running a soak-heavy build with allies or Cherished Keepsake, such as certain builds for William Yorick, Leo Anderson, or Tommy Muldoon. Your constant stream of disposables lets you shrug off horror onto assets.

Otherwise you take this card at your peril…

Or take the damage and discard it. — MrGoldbee · 1473