Напасть. Базова слабкість



Revelation - Put Arm Injury into play in your threat area.

Arm Injury can be healed as if it were a single point of damage on you (if it is healed, discard it).

Forced - After you take a fight or activate action: You cannot take any of those types of actions for the remainder of the turn.

Robert Laskey
На краю світу Дослідницьке доповнення #130.
Arm Injury


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This weakness is worse than it first appears, and definitely the worst of the 4 new EOtE weaknesses.

It prevents you from taking more than one action of either "fight" or "activate" each turn. That doesn't seem so bad... until you realize that A LOT of things are "activate".

In fact, any action, printed on any card, with a , is an "activate" action, on top of its descriptor, if any. This includes, for example :

-most "resign" on locations or agendas / acts

-most weapons

-most clueing tools (fingerprint kit, lockpicks...)

-most spell assets (for fighting, clueing, evading...)

-some investigator specific abilities, like Preston Fairmont cashing in his inheritance and Lily Chen's Disciplines

-most "parlay" on enemies or bystanders

-a lot of special actions on locations that are mandatory to advance a scenario

This card car thoroughly mess with your planning, especially in low player counts / solo when you realize that you can't grab the last 2 clues with your spell then resign because they're both "activate"... The fact that weaknesses are added to a deck after it is completed only makes it worse : some decks can heal damage easily, while others will have no healing whatsoever.

DrOGM · 25