Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(29xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

guybrush · 19

This deck is supposed to be paired with Carolyn Fern in a standalone scenario, but you can also take the lvl 0 version and transition into this deck during a campaign.

This is a duo where Agnes deals all the damage and Carolyn gets most of the clues.

You want to use your ping from taking horror as often as possible and let Carolyn heal you again. That's why we play both Forbidden Knowledge and Painkillers. Upgraded Peter and Fearless make sure you will surely stay sane.

You can still gather clues, but usually you want to kill monsters and let Carolyn do the seeking.

This deck has 4 Exile cards because it's standalone, but in a campaign I would probably consider other options first. Cornered, Rite of Seeking, Newspaper, Blinding Light etc.

Also, I would consider taking 2xArcane Research, since Carolyn can easily heal the 2 horror.

The title is a nodge to a more modern type of therapy with a focus on mindfulness and acceptance, rather than fighting bad thoughts(Deny Existence). The goal is fully immerse yourself in the experience which is life/playing arkham.

Link to the Carolyn companion deck:


Mar 10, 2019 Pilgrim · 312

Hey I’m and ACT therapist! Nice deck and name.