[Multiplayer] [Guide] Tommy Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Multiplayer Tommy 0 0 0 1.0
Tommy (Now With More Guns) 0 0 0 1.0
Tommy (Now With More Guns) 0 0 0 2.0

Calprinicus · 5703


Tommy Muldoon is pretty straight forward. You soak damage and deal with enemies. You'll also be partially medic by absorbing the damage from your teammates.

The build listed here is the "Grenadier" and abuses Mk 1 Grenades. These allow you to either deal with a group of enemies (including swarms) or use Becky for cleanup solo enemies. Venturer and Emergency Cache will keep you stocked the whole game.

Additionally, after you cleared the board of enemies, this well rounded build also offers some decent clue finding potential,


  • Well rounded skills.
  • Versatile combat options.
  • Lots of soak and team soak.
  • Lots of resources (for a guardian)


  • lots of actions spent to setup soaks
  • Sometimes you get unlucky and can't find a weapon.
  • Don't expect to evade.


Return on Investment

I have played this deck alot and it really shines by playing cheap soak with a high return on investment. After an asset is defeated, If you can collect more resources than the initial cost you can build a larger soak pool. Leather Coat, Cherished Keepsake, and the mvp Madame Labranche are great examples.

Team Soak

Team soaks are resource thirsty. Agency Backup, Brother Xavier, True Grit, and Something Worth Fighting For allow you to absorb horror & damage from your fellow investigators. Solemn Vow has an added bonus of transfering that damage & horror in passing after the damage was dealt.


Allies have long been proven to be the best bang for you buck in terms of soak. They often have useful abilities and normally cost 1 resource per soak. Taking 2 copies of Charisma is a no brainer and gives you 3 ally slots. With 8 allies, you shouldn't have issue filling them.


Combat Versatility

Since Mk 1 Grenades don't take up a hand slot, you can use them & Becky at the same time! This is great for either dealing with a single enemy or groups of enemies.

Staying Stocked

Venturer & Emergency Cache keep the grenades stocked. You need to coordinate with your team to be with the monsters alone, but this normally isn't too hard to do.

Finding the pieces

With only 3 weapons, Prepared for the Worst and Backpack do heavy lifting. It's best to hard mulligan for weapons or cards that can search for weapons.


You have a little bit of clue finding help. Winging It is a solid use of your extra resource and more than capable of snatching clues from low shroud locations.

If you get Agency Backup, the best use of this card is it's automatic clue finding ability.


3xp - Charisma

3xp - Charisma

1xp - Flashlight --> Brother Xavier

4xp - .45 Automatic --> Mk 1 Grenades

4xp - .45 Automatic --> Mk 1 Grenades

1xp - Flashlight --> Ace of Swords

5xp - Solemn Vow --> Agency Backup

2xp - Emergency Cache --> Emergency Cache

1xp - Emergency Cache --> Emergency Cache

2xp - Emergency Cache --> Emergency Cache

1xp - Emergency Cache --> Emergency Cache