Core Set Starter Deck: Daisy Walker, the Librarian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

orvilee · 755

Sample Starter Decks from Fantasy Flight Player Resources

Daisy is a high-intellect investigator who favours a support role or a rush-for-clues approach. Since her ability is dependent upon Tome assets, getting one in play as soon as possible should be your primary concern. Old Book of Lore is the ideal Tome to get out early, but having Medical Texts with Daisy’s high intellect can be a life-saver. If you don’t draw either of these cards in your opening hand, a Research Librarian can help you search for one, and also serves as a convenient damage buffer when the going gets rough.

Daisy’s intellect is high enough that she doesn’t usually need help investigating, but if you’re trying to rush for clues, equip a Magnifying Glass and get Dr. Milan Christopher into play as soon as possible.

Because her combat and agility are both on the low end, dealing with enemies can be problematic for Daisy. Luckily, you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Blinding Light and Shrivelling allow you to use your willpower instead of agility or combat to evade or attack enemies, respectively. You can also use Holy Rosary to boost your willpower higher. If you find a location with lots of clues and there are hunter enemies around, you can use Barricade to gather those clues in relative safety. Finally, Mind over Matter is your clutch card. Because Daisy’s intellect is so high, try to save Mind over Matter for the turn you need it most! If you already have both your Old Book of Lore and Medical Texts in play, try to get Daisy's Tote Bag out before The Necronomicon enters play, otherwise you’ll end up losing one of your other books.