Akachi is Burning Down The House (Solo, Achievements)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 358

I haven't tried running a Mystic through Return to the Night of the Zealot yet, and I've never played Akachi Onyele, so... let's try it! Not really sure I'm feeling this deck to be honest, but perhaps she'll improve with some experience (plus bonuses from Arcane Research) under her belt. Here we go!


Opening Hand: Storm of Spirits, Delve Too Deep, Flashlight, Drawn to the Flame, Mists of R'lyeh Kept: Flashlight, Drawn to the Flame, Mists of R'lyeh Replacements: Storm of Spirits, Rite of Seeking Starting Location: Study

Investigating tools, evasion, and a combat event. Seems a decent start.

R1 (0D, 2H, 5$, 0C): 0/3 doom

Well. That Drawn to the Flame result could not have been worse. With all my options suddenly vanished, I decided to draw a bit before heading further into the house.

R2 (0D, 2H, 4$, 1C): 1/3 doom

And just like that I'm only 3 horror away from failure!! Two pulls right off the start. Is there any way to bounce back from that awful beginning?

R3 (0D, 5H, 5$, 2C): 2/3 doom

I decided to Delve while I could, as I could Mists away if a Ghoul popped up. Instead, some more horror for my ever-dwindling reserve. At least now I have a bit of ally soak and can start hunting for spells in earnest.

R4 (1D, 6H, 5$, 2C): 1/7 doom

Even a 2 investigator has a 5/8 chance (with no Ghouls around) of successfully investigating a shroud 1 location in this scenario on Standard. I've lost too much tempo already, I had to take that chance. At least it paid off.

R5 (1D, 6H, 5$, 3C): 2/7 doom [+1 on Arcane Initiate]

R6 (1D, 6H, 6$, 1C): 3/7 doom [+1 on Arcane Initiate]

The encounter deck has stopped beating me upside the head for a bit, and I thought hard about cancelling the Ancient Evils with my Ward of Protection, but I'd rather use its horror hit to finish off my Arcane Initiate next round. At this point, I need to dig through my deck to find a Shrivelling so I can deal with the Icy Ghoul. (I'm not too worried about Angered Spirits; I have the time and extra Mists of R'lyeh charges to pay it off. I hope.)

R7 (1D, 6H, 7$, 2C): 5/7 doom [+1 on Arcane Initiate]

Finally, my weapon! (First experience spend for this deck will be to slot more attack spells into it. Maybe Shards of the Void.)

R8 (1D, 6H, 5$, 2C): 6/7 doom

I moved in and took a hit from the Icy Ghoul because I know another ghoul is going to spawn with the agenda flip, and I want to leverage Storm of Spirits if we're all in the same place together.

R9 (4D, 6H, 6$, 2C): 7/7 doom [+1 on Arcane Initiate]

Whew, the situation has somewhat stabilized. Now, can I pull through to defeat the Ghoul Priest?

R10 (5D, 6H, 4$, 2C): 1/10 doom

R11 (5D, 6H, 3$, 4C): 3/10 doom

I thought about spending a round looking for my second Delve Too Deep or hoping for more Victory ghouls, but there just isn't time to do so comfortably... not with the doom acceleration that accompanies the Ghoul Priest's arrival. I want the "burn down your house" achievement, which means I need to defeat the bastard.

R12 (5D, 6H, 2$, 1C): 5/10 doom

Over-committed on the Parley there to be sure I can defeat the Ghoul Priest in two successful Shrivelling hits. I have only one round to do it, so I can afford to miss exactly once.

R13 (5D, 6H, 3$, 1C): 8/10 doom

Resolution 1

  • Akachi's house was burned to the ground
  • Lita Chantler joins Akachi
  • +1 mental trauma
  • 8 experience (6 Victory + 2 bonus)
  • Total trauma: 0 physical, 3 mental
  • ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Insurance Doesn't Cover Ghouls

Whew. What a ride. That terrible start notwithstanding, Akachi actually managed to pull it off. This deck definitely needs some upgrade assistance. Indeed, I'm mulling over the idea of spending 1 experience for a side trip to Curse of the Rougarou to attempt gaining a couple of extra points (and let Arcane Research work its magic a bit more as well) before heading into Return to The Midnight Masks. We'll see!