Who needs money? I've got skills!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dark horse Minh with scavenging 1 1 0 1.0

Sechen · 53

Minh loves skills. Skills don't cost money, so you might as well be broke. If you're broke, you really should run Dark Horse. If you run Dark Horse, then Fire Axe is amazing. Really, the deck builds itsself.

This is intended mostly as a solo deck. 4 intelligence will investigate a lot of places on its own, and with magnifying glass and Minh-skills, you should be able to cover pretty much everything else. When you run into an enemy, it's time to blow all your resources on a massive Fire Axe swing. If the enemy has more than 2 hit points, Overpower and generally Rise to the Occasion will usually get you where you need to be.

The other choices are mostly there as good cards that don't cost much. Lucky! is a lifesaver, and Resourceful is a lucky-saver. Laboratory Assistant is cheap ablative armor that gives cards (you don't have much of a problem investigating, so Art Student isn't as good). Strange Solution becomes the best weapon in the game later, and it's an okay way to spend a resource when you want to enable dark horse.


Seekers get awesome stuff, so really you can do anything you want. Strange Solution becoming Acid Ichor is amazing, Magnifying Glass + Higher Education is solid, although less useful here than it usually is because you have plenty of and , Deduction is pretty good, Cryptic Research rocks, and if you really have more experience than you know what to do with, I'm a fan of Lucky!. Really, the core of the deck is strong enough that you can do any seeker stuff you want, as long as it isn't too expensive.


Oct 14, 2017 HollowsHeart · 17

I have a question about Dark Horse and Lucky! together. I always figured you'd be better off just not having any money, getting the bonus, and slotting something else in instead of Lucky!. How well has it worked for you?

Oct 16, 2017 Sechen · 53

I usually like it. In this deck, it's helpful to have a resource or two to charge your fire axe, so you never let dark horse prevent the resource-taking. That means that when mythos hits, you usually have don't have dark horse, but the worst encounter cards are usually willpower and you're pretty good at that. Sometimes you can force it by playing a magnifying glass out of turn or something, but generally you just accept the fact that dark horse is for the investigating phase. As always though, ymmv.