[Arkhamsperimentation] Flesh Mark

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Weklong · 2

Trying some Arkhamsperimentation (this phrase is bound to catch on) with decklists that make sense in my head but will probably not survive contact with the Mythos.

Then, adding the outcome of how well they failed! Possibly the results will only be useful to me.

The deck

Guard Dog and Survival Knife type affair with Heroic Rescue, planning to take lots of hits and have Mark enjoy it to protect a cool but squishly Sefina Rousseau.

Trying out Flesh Ward to take the edge off bigger hits we may take.

Final goal was a build around Well Prepared, Physical Training, and maybe Armor of Ardennes for their many tasty skill icons.


Cards up to Forgotten Age. Only one core set so only 1x beat cop and machete.

Trying on the Dunwich cycle.


The plan was NOT super successful.

Heroic rescue was so situational it was never used and while Guard Dog was as lovely lovely a good boy as ever, Survival Knife also rarely seemed to crop up or be useful when it did.

It may not have helped that there are a few scenarios in Dunwich where there are few-to-zero enemies. Turns out our strapping LAD here is veeery limited in what he can do if that's the case.

Flesh Ward - outcome pretty favourable! Gently shaving the hurt off one horror-causing enemies was actually surprisingly good on the two occasions I had it out.

Well Prepared + Physical Training - oh my word yes. Turns out a bonus two willpower icons and two free bonus resources to get another two every turn is indeed pretty darn handy when you have the sanity "issues". Would buy again.

Armor of Ardennes - never had the experience to say, "Sure I can blow it on something I'm already good at." Next time, baby.

Notable combos

Stick to the Plan + Ever Vigilant - 'nuff said. I did pick up an early "Get over here!" and often stuck this to the plan. This was pretty great a couple of times in Dunwich.

Shortcut + Scene of the Crime - lets you position yourself to get two clues testlessly. Gold standard for Marky Mark. This idea is not mine, but it's a great one.

Hindsight card changes

Heroic Rescue >> "Let me handle this!" / on the hunt - heroic sounded so good for Mark. Protect your team mate and get more card draw? Bargain. Turns out, the situation never transpired. Also True Grit does basically the same job.

Guard Dog >> Beat cop/ more Greta - who's a good boy then? I love guard dogs. I'd only cut them here because ever vigilant makes pricy allies cheaper and can keep them around for longer with Emergency Aid.

Second Wind >> Emergency Aid - Second Wind was great but if we're going a more "robust" ally route, Emergency Aid's guaranteed two heal (there was an occasion when I really needed a Second Wind heal but drew an enemy that turn) and working for Allies seems like a better option.