Starter x R.Core Series : "Skids" O'Cho

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

5argon · 8939

Since each Core Set investigators can use cards from 2 classes, with this series I want to present that you are not getting just 1 starter deck for each Investigator Starter Deck purchase, but additional starter decks for the Core Set investigators as well. Cards from Nathaniel Cho () for example, can go to both Roland Banks (/) and "Skids" O'Toole (/).

To round out R.Core Skids a bit with some new Lv. 0~2 cards from NaCho, I choose Overpower (2) to be in spotlight, since it fixes problem in Skid's early XP range and has the over-success clause that goes well with some other cards like .41 Derringer (2) and Opportunist.

Mano a Mano (2) is a Sneak Attack test-less damage alternative that's 0 cost to play rather than 2 (important) and not strictly requiring evasion, but evasion help re-assigning engagement to play this card. On the Lam is helpful to be selective about the engagement before you can play it on your next turn.

Pack also comes with additional economy card Stand Together that helps with Hospital Debts because the other player that just got 2 resources can then help you pay. (There's also Clean Them Out but I don't think Skids want to use 3 on it.)

I also think Winifred Habbamock pack augments Skids less than Nathaniel Cho purchase, due to Winifred herself can use those cards better than Skids.

See other decks in the "Starter x R.Core Series" series here. I'll add more decks each time I purchased a new Investigator Starter Deck.

 Cost  Total
19 XP 0 XP
   Pickpocketing  →  Lockpicks 1 XP 1 XP
   Unexpected Courage  →  Lockpicks 1 XP 2 XP
   Overpower    Overpower •• 2 XP 4 XP
   Overpower    Overpower •• 2 XP 6 XP
   .45 Automatic  →  .41 Derringer •• 2 XP 8 XP
   .45 Automatic  →  .41 Derringer •• 2 XP 10 XP
   Beat Cop    Beat Cop •• 2 XP 12 XP
   Beat Cop    Beat Cop •• 2 XP 14 XP
   Emergency Cache  →  Hot Streak •••• 4 XP 18 XP
29 XP 18 XP
   Sneak Attack  →  Mano a Mano •• 2 XP 20 XP
   Sneak Attack  →  Mano a Mano •• 2 XP 22 XP
   Emergency Cache  →  Hot Streak •••• 4 XP 26 XP
   "Get over here!"    "Get over here!" •• 2 XP 28 XP

(View at

Lockpicks (1) first because this is a key card to farm more XP, and make the deck stands out from Roland Banks. (At Lv. 0 it's almost all blue and you might as well not play Skids.) VP location might either have a lot of clues for 2~3 shroud, or a few clues on 4 shroud. The first variety you can leave it for your actual clue finder with clue acceleration. You can focus on slowly taking down high shroud VP location.

I think anything after the 19 XP breakpoint are flexible. You can rearrange as you like.

What to do with Overpower (2)

This card is very innocent looking, but it's the main thing I want to take from Nathaniel Cho pack to Skids. They even have to replace the base Overpower, so it can appears like you paid 2 XP "just" for +1 .

The difference of base 3 and base 4 is huge in Standard difficulty, and Skids got the shorter end. At the same time he has to find ways to add without going broke.

When you commit this in conjunction of using something like Machete, you are going to notice the difference. Suddenly, you can hit things like . Suddenly, you don't have to find and spend additional 4 resources for Beat Cop fend off early threats.

Extra accuracy are not wasted even if you pull a tame token. You have .41 Derringer (2) to get the grand price of +1 action on 3 over success. You can get 2 card draws from Overpower (2) itself. You can get Opportunist back while getting all that.

I'd say you are encouraged to hit weak enemies in order to get the 2 draws, rather than saving for boss fight. The typical ideal situation is like in this image. You are already at 8 shooting .41 Derringer (2) with Overpower (2). So 2 or even 3 over-success is realistic while fighting low enemy, even if you don't have one or two Opportunist.


Unlike Lucky Cigarette Case draw-boosting setup that might need huge values from other things like Lockpicks, Overpower (2) comes with the to over-succeed on any weapon. I think it is a better one for Skids and let him do the job better as well.

Unlike Defensive Stance (Edge of the Earth) that Skids can use to get massive accuracy boost for lesser XP, the lack of draw bonus is apparent when you realize you have no juice left after landing that accurate hit and there are more things to be done. Card draw's benefit are often not felt while deck-building. In actual play after you see what you have drawn, they let you continue seamlessly whether you need to fight more, or transition to clue gathering.

What are we hoping on draws?

Other Nathaniel Cho Guardian cards

  • "Get over here!" •• : Engagement is something evader need to be useful to the team, because enemy can spawn into wrong players. Engaging just to Evade is a massive action sink, having to move there, even more wasteful. This card does it Fast and it has range. It can flow well to Pickpocketing, Sneak Attack, or even tanking Enemy Phase with On the Lam. I guess might be handy as well to struggle against the horror fail-by treachery. One copy as a utility, as it does cost significant 2 resources to play.

  • Safeguard : Good Talent. It can often appears like you have Leo De Luca with the Move saving it gives. You can combo it with Dodge since you are at the same location with them and actually protecting them (not just hitchhiking your Seeker to save actions...). I'm fine with 1x for this one, there are also 1x Pickpocketing and 1x Flesh Ward one-offs to find and we need to optimize deck space.

    When you move with this you also get to take all enemies you have engaged with you. It can sometimes be utilized to plan out a big Dynamite Blast with your friends.

  • Stand Together : This is a pretty neat card. 2 resources is the number that Skid can buy an extra action or play "Get over here!" (2) / Sneak Attack. So playing this earlier is going to prepare you for some intense rounds ahead.

    Moreover there is a Skids-specific "combo" where you can ask the other player to put 2 resources they just got into Hospital Debts.

  • Mano a Mano •• : Easier to use than Sneak Attack for test-less damage and very importantly not cost any resource to play. For normal , the problem is to get a situation such that you have an engage in your first action. Evaders have more chance of getting that by engaging with the enemy in Upkeep Phase that just came back from exhaust that you evaded, so works like an 'inverted' Sneak Attack (2). Even with full collection, there aren't many evaders that have access to this card other than Skids, so this is a great opportunity to try. On the Lam is also good to get engages in a mess and wait for the first action next round to play without getting pummeled.

  • Flesh Ward : Much better Lv. 0 sanity solution than First Aid. Skids has to deal with treachery horrors, this card deal with those slip horrors accumulated from enemies. If you sometimes have to take 2 horror from one enemy, that's time to put one on Beat Cop and cancel the remaining. It even has 1/1 regular soak built-in! Heavy 3 play cost that's usually a problem for typical is offset by Hot Streak.

What if you own other expansions?

  • Wolf Mask (The Feast of Hemlock Vale) : Everything in this card is a YES for Skids. The + we worked so hard for is easily available here. Evading often comes with re-engagement and that gets you offering, so you can endlessly evade again. "Get over here!" will also give you the offering. It's my top recommendation to make Skids life easier.
  • Ever Vigilant(The Path to Carcosa) : The savings might as well replace a copy of Hot Streak for cheaper XP cost. The one-offs Flesh Ward, Safeguard, Pickpocketing are easy to fill up 3 assets quota since they are not slot-competing. You'll just have to try drawing a bit with Overpower (2) to make sure nothing miss the train.
  • Toe to Toe (Edge of the Earth) : The attack taken as a cost can be softened with Flesh Ward. If you also add Momentum (below) you can get high over-succeed since enemy's is considered 0 on the auto success of the Fight.
  • One in the Chamber (The Scarlet Keys) : The .41 Derringer (2) is notorious for running out of ammo before the fun even started. The temporary +3 helps get the extra action jackpot.
  • Dodge •• (Edge of the Earth) : I'm very high on this card since among those who can include this, Skids is the rare one that can succeed at (1) test resisting -3. The gameplay is the same, take advantage of Safeguard to stay with other investigators. Not costing 1 resource anymore is also unexpectedly helpful when you are trying to bank on the Hospital Debts.
  • Momentum(The Dream-Eaters) : Add to the over-succeed plays. If it gets to 0 you can perform Machete attack without commits, for example. Even if it is not reduced to 0 you can attempt high over-succeed plays easier.
  • Pickpocketing •• (The Path to Carcosa) : Plain good upgrade. Just the Fast is already good enough.
  • Another Day, Another Dollar ••• (The Circle Undone) : Worth a lot for Skids due to high setup cost of cards. Specifically it allows Beat Cop + 3 cost weapon setup in the first round.
  • Thieves' Kit ••• (The Scarlet Keys) : I'd get this instead of Lockpicks though it cost 2 XP more because it generates resources. Investigating at 5 is also solid. If you ended up getting 2 resources, you can buy an action with that and do it again. This is when it starts looking like Deduction on an asset.

Aug 09, 2024 Vanesko · 1

Thank you for your decks! This series are awesome. Can't wait to see a deck for Daisy with Harvey cards.

Aug 11, 2024 5argon · 8939

@Vanesko Thanks for checking it out! Currently I only own Wini and Nat so I'll be a while before I can get to Harvey : )