Super cool card! Some will complain about the lack of introduction of a Foot Slot, but besides that, let's see how it compares to its most obvious competitor:
Differences with Tabooed Pathfinder:
• 2 less XP per copy, so 4 less XP for 2 copies.
• 1 less Resource
• Offers 1 static .
• It can work if you are engaged with an enemy (if using Working a Hunch for example)
• Cannot be tapped, someone needs to empty a location (could be another investigator)
• Can only bring you to a location with a clue or unrevealed.
I personally love this card, emptying locations as the main clue-getter is what you do, and any free move is one action that you can dedicate to investigating, therefore gaining tempo.
As good synergies, we can also add:
• Well... Pathfinder for a lot of free moves
• Gené Beauregard and Vantage Point to move clues around to make sure that you are not surrounded by empty location
• All the "As if" investigating shenanigans:
•• If you use cards like the Pocket Telescope, In the Know, Sixth Sense, Seeking Answers, or Luke Robinson, you could potentially move to the location connected to the target, allowing you to cover greater distances.This also works with Pathfinder as you can use the window during the test to move at the location of the test (see the Shortcut FAQ on ArkhamDB).
So, knowing that I love the theme, would I choose the Boots over Pathfinder?
• Yes if:
I have 2-3 Agility already and the boost gives me a chance to pass some agility tests
If I know that I have expensive cards to buy later and I don't have 6xp to spend in 2 Pathfinders
I plan on upgrading to Gené Beauregard at some point (not necessary but good).
I am sure that I will remember that I get a free move and I am not too distracted
• No if:
I have fear of heights
The space in my Deck is too hard to find
I already have too many Assets and I would never find the time to play this lesser priority one.