Amanda Sharpe Finds Things

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

peewee · 5

Dream Diary seems excellent for Amanda Sharpe - being able to summon a 2-4 ? skill card to your hand at will should come in handy. Magnifying Glass and Dr. Milan Christopher will give much needed passive buffs to your investigations.

Arcane Enlightenment will let you hold as many of those hand items as you can, which is more relevant once the Dream Diary is upgraded. Grisly Totem will pay off every round, and it's not like there's really a better option for that slot.

Strange Solution could end up crazy good - fight/evade with base 6? Yes please. Fieldwork is always fine, and plays well with Shortcut and eventual Pathfinder.

Practice Makes Perfect is an absolute no-brainer. Crack the Case may well be overkill with Dr. Milan Christopher but worst case your friends won't complain when you give them stuff.

Deduction and Perception are your key cards - getting up to four uses out of each copy of them seems okay, especially after they're upgraded. The rest are generically good skill cards that should make sure you always have something good to put under her.

Some of the upgrade paths depend on random upgrades. Get Dream Diary and Strange Solution and maybe Vicious Blow and Overpower are worth it. Throw in a Timeworn Brand or two and become your group's fighter for some reason! End up with Dream Diary then suddenly Curiosity makes more sense and maybe Glimpse the Unthinkable gets a look in.