Gap Filler - Solo "Ashcan" Pete and Duke

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Pilgrim · 313

Please note Scrying is actually Shrivelling.

I have been messing around successfully with "Ashcan" Pete in solo play. I have played through the Nught of the Zealot (standard) finishing with the ritual broken and 21xp! I believe with Duke he is a jack of all trades. Duke fills in his weakness, fighting and investigating. "You have gaps, I have gaps, together, we fill gaps." Rocky.

Another advantage of Duke is that he starts in play meaning you can get out investigating and murduring monsters from turn one. This is especially important in solo play as you cannot split tasks between investigators you have less time to build an engine or look for key cards. I found playing Agnes Baker solo difficult for this reason, if you don't have Shrivelling or Drawn to the Flame at the right time she can easily fail. Where Ashcan is ready to go from the start. This fast approach makes up for his weaker late game. The fact that you can move with Duke then investigate is yet another way to speed up the early game. Action economy. Good boy Duke.

Some thoughts on card choice. The full range of skills are great and help out Duke, especially Overpower and Perception. Skills also help Ashcan start strong using Duke which is important for solo play as previously noted. The advantage of the neutral skills (except Unexpected Courage) is the plus one draw helping with Ashcans ability. Rabbit's Foot and upgraded Lucky! is also useful for card draw.

The out of faction card that I mostly find useful is Shrivelling however Ritual Candles is used mostly as dog food, so I may go back to the drawing board. I had Rite of Seeking however found it to expensive and Duke really is amazing at investigating. This is now Liquid Courage which along with Peter Sylvestre, who is amazing, will help with Ashcans poor sanity.

In terms of upgrades Lucky! and Peter Sylvestre are nice to have. Will to Survive is an amazing card when you are in a tight spot, not drawing from the chaos bag is obviously powerful.

Happy Drifting.


Jan 16, 2017 PaxCecilia · 396

This looks like a strong build, but I feel like you can't throw away the Ritual Candles. Turning a potential failure into a success for 1 resource is an amazing trade.

I'm looking at a similar build in which you mulligan hard for Scavenging and have lots of Item cards to discard for skill checks and readying Duke. A successful investigate with Duke gets you cards back slowly to keep readying him. Unfortunately I think the deck ends up shorter on Skills and I am really uncomfortable without lots of Skills.

Jan 16, 2017 zozo · 2932

Lovely write-up, very interesting choices and can't wait to try it. One small question: what's Dig Deep doing here? Just protection against nasty treacheries? I wonder if an axe wouldn't come in handy too?

Jan 17, 2017 Pilgrim · 313

@PaxCecilia I like the idea of using scavenging as a way to keep Duke fed. Unfortunately with a limit of two cards per deck it is hard to rely on any one card even with a hard mulligan.

I agree I am probably underestimating Ritual Candles for a cheap way to lessen the impact of the chaos bag.

Thanks @zozo. Dig Deep has been pretty helpful in reality. I have been sceptical about it in the past but in all my games I found a use for it. Being able to reliably use shrivelling or evade is good whilst saving cards to toss to Duke.

I had considered different weapons such as Fire Axe for Ashcan however just felt his base strength of 2 meant it wasn't worth it. Instead I went with Shrivelling. However even Shrivelling sees little play as I have found Duke is more than able to do the heavy lifting by himself.

Jan 17, 2017 zozo · 2932

@Pilgrim a-ha! But you've listed Scrying in the deck rather than Shrivelling! I take it you meant the latter? That starts to make a lot more sense - the former obviously doesn't require a test and so doesn't need any stat boosting... Yeah, with Shrivelling around, getting up to 5 or 6 is nearly always useful.

Jan 17, 2017 Pilgrim · 313

@zozo yikes, classic mistake. Shrivelling it is.