Dynamic Duo - Harvey and Nathaniel

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dynamic Duo - Harvey and Nathaniel 0 0 0 1.0

olahren · 3106

Harvey Walters and Nathaniel Cho


"Voiceover: "The old man and his young bodyguard. Brawns and brains!"

Dynamic duo!

This deck is part of a dynamic duo series, and is meant to be played together with Dynamic Duos - Nathaniel Cho.

It works just fine when paired with other investigators too, of course, but some cards might be less effective.


The synergy here is kinda one-sided, but I think it works. Nathaniel Cho is incredibly reliant on a full hand of cards. If he has cards, he's deadly. But when that hand runs dry, Cho will be reduced to single points of damage. Boxing Gloves are nice, but they have an awful weakness in that they suck the deck dry of Spirit events, making Nathaniel weaker in the latter part of each game. He’s also really vulnerable to discard effects.

The extra tempo from Harvey solves that problem. Nathaniel also tries his best to conserve his actions with Safeguard, pulling enemies to him, etc., so he can assist Harvey with healing, Stand Together, Leadership, etc. Cho also tries to have some enough card draw effects on his own, so he can trigger Harvey's ability. Harvey on his side will try to be as effective as possible, with the already classic combo of Ariadne's Twine + Eon Chart combo, flanked by Whitton Greene, Astounding Revelation and eventually Guided by the Unseen.

In effect, two hyperspecialized investigators who helps each other out as best as they can. It's probably the least synergetic"of the bunch, but I still think it qualifies under my terms for what counts as a dynamic duo.

Weakness: Low agility. Both of them.


This is NOT a big hand Harvey-deck. It's a Ariadne's Twine+Eon Chart deck (already a classic combo) that will also help our dear bodyguard Nathanial Cho with his card draw.

There's quite a few card drawing effects here to trigger Harvey's ability; namely Perception, Eureka! (can be used on Cho), Plan of Action (use on as your second action), Vault of Knowledge (can be used on Cho) and Whitton Greene (if you find a tome or relic). Practice Makes Perfect will help you find those nifty skill cards, with 6 Practiced traited skill cards.

Upgrade path

  • Eon Chart. Rank 1 is fine to start with. It's a relic, remember, so Whitton can help you find it.

  • Ariadne's Twine. This is the engine of the combo, generating 1 secret per round (for 1 resource).

  • Whitton Greene is a vital part as well, She will find the Eon Chart as well as trigger the Astounding Revelation. The revelations will feed secrets to either the Eon Chart, to Ancient stones, to Guided by the Unseen or even your Scroll of Secrets if you need. Charisma to keep both your allies in play. Guided by the Unseen is a rather decent card for Harvey, for two reasons. It's a fuelled by secrets, so it can be a Sophist target 'till you get the Twine in play (or a twine target 'till you get the Chart in play), it will help trigger the Astounding Revelations and it will help Harvey and Cho find their skill cards. And thin out their decks as well

  • Ancient Stones are great fun in this deck. Harvey can use all three versions just fine, but I prefer the damage dealing one since your Eon Chart should take care of movement and Cho himself any healing. Remember that they are driven by secrets too, and can be sucked dry by the Eldritch Sophist.

Other upgrades (in any order you’d like)
  • Divination is almost like three Deductions rolled into one Arcane slot asset. Actually better, since the charges are never wasted even if you .
  • Scroll of Secrets is kind of an luxury upgrade if you have plenty of spare Xp. One more secret, will look at three cards rather than one card. All in all nice, but not necessary.
  • Unearth the Ancients It's a good card if one of the card put into play is a relic. So don't buy this card unless you've already upgraded to Ancient Stones (1) or better AND the Eon Charts. If you have, this is a quick way to get your pieces into play as well as finding a clue.

Tips and advice

It's not really a complicated deck, even when upgraded. It just has a lot of moving pieces. The most important thing is to just start finding clues and then play the combo pieces as you draw them. And when you get an Eon Chart and a source of secrets in play (Ariadne's Twine or Eldritch Sophist or just trigging enough Astounding Revelations you'll turn into an proper Ursula Downs zipping around the map while finding clues. And fear not; Your trusted bodyguard Cho will faithfully safeguard you from evil forces.


Disclaimer - most of these "dynamic duo" decks are heavily inspired by other decks found here on Arkham. Thanks to everyone who shares the fruits of their labor - this is an amazing community . :)