Luke pulls a sprint

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Epicnoob · 21


This deck builds around Testing Sprint. Since Luke can play Testing Sprint from his Dream-Gate, he can effectively clue the entire board using a single sprint. We combine this with an Amanda Sharpe roleplay to commit skill cards to every test made during Testing Sprint for massive profits.

We use cards like Parallel Fates to rig a skill card in our deck for Written in the Stars.

For those scenario's where Testing Sprint isn't very practical we invest in getting more actions to investigate the old-fashioned way.

Starter deck

1x Magnifying Glass

2x Scroll of Secrets

1x Hemispheric Map(3)

1x Whitton Greene

1x Empirical Hypothesis

1x Gate Box

1x Summoned Servitor

2x Astounding Revelation

2x Crack the Case

1x Delve Too Deep

2x Deny Existence

2x Practice Makes Perfect

1x Refine

2x Testing Sprint

1x Ward of Protection

2x Written in the Stars

2x Deduction

2x Enraptured

2x Eureka!

2x Perception

1x Detached from Reality

1x Random Basic Weakness

1x In the Thick of It

1x Shrewd Analysis

Suggested upgrade order


A successful sprint with Deduction on it is a game-winning move. You can be twiddling your thumbs for 5 rounds, pull this out of your hat and still be just fine.


More tokens good no? Charges your box, your scrolls, and a good number of splash cards.


More cards are never a bad thing. Unlike our next entry, this one won't draw your weakness in the middle of a sprint and leave you high and dry.


This one kind of takes on the role as 'filler' for our deck because if you draw detached from reality during a testing sprint, suddenly all those locations you want to investigate are no longer adjacent, and your resting sprint kinda fizzles out. However it's good filler that works well with everything else and (especially if upgraded) draws you a lot of cards.


Seal of the Seventh Sign notwithstanding, this is the way to -proof a Testing Sprint. If drawn, it's great to commit to critical skill tests you really want to succeed on. I decided not to include it in the deck mainly because I like the other skill cards on a Testing Sprint more. Note that if you drop clues on the Dream-Gate, they are lost when that location is removed from play. Despite this Analysis is a great option nonetheless.

Extra actions

The main card we use for extra actions is the Summoned Servitor. In addition we can add Eon Chart and Close the Circle, each with their own perks. Eon Chart can take secrets from Astounding Revelation, while Close the Circle can do silly things like evading hunting enemies during enemy phase.

The deck rigging

Parallel Fates is the main card we use to set up a Written in the Stars. It's likely to hit a skill, and may even get Written in the Stars or Testing Sprint if they're still in the deck. You can plan your testing sprint several turns in advance if you want, just make sure to not e.g. trigger Whitton Greene before you play Written in the Stars.

Scroll of Secrets and possibly Alyssa Graham play a supporting role here. The scroll is mainly there to draw you some more cards, while alyssa is used as a book boost, and she can also help you dodge enemies revealed on top of the encounter deck (by being in your Dream-Gate when you draw an enemy that spawns on you, you discard it instead).

The book boosts

Since Luke Robinson only starts with 3 book, it takes quite a bit of boosting to get up to the level where your Testing Sprints won't get rudely interrupted by a non- token. The main boost comes from doubling up on hemispheric maps, which give you +2 each when in the Dream-Gate. The rest comes from Whitton Greene and a Magnifying Glass.

The fact that you need to be in a well-connected location means this deck is kind of ill-equipped to deal with dead-end locations with clues, as well as his weakness Dream-Gate. One way to deal with dead-ends is to park the Summoned Servitor on it and go someplace else, another is to save skill cards for dead-end locations.


Luke starts with 9 sanity, but this deck is ill-equipped to deal with the bad side of his Dream-Gate. This means you almost certainly eat 3 horror per deck cycle. Some way to absorb this plus dealing with your low health requires some attention. A combination of Ward of Protection, Deny Existence and Drain Essence keeps us healthy. We can also upgrade the Summoned Servitor for 3 extra soak.

The arcane slots

This deck doesn't really need use of Luke's arcane slots, while he is a and we happen to be running a good number of boosts. In addition, when your Gate Box has 10+ charges piled on it you may wish for an additional place to put those charges from Enraptured. This sounds like an awful waste, so it pays to splash in some nice toys. You can even discount some of these with an Arcane Research that would otherwise just go unused... Therefore we splash one or two of the following to fill the void in our heart:

Rite of Seeking:

More clues faster. Divination would also be a nice option, as you can commit all your skill cards to it, but it's not very efficient with the charges coming in from Enraptured.


For all your flexing needs.

Close the Circle:

More actions. Also great for doing the things normal mystics are not well-known for. We add Shrewd Analysis to our deck just to guarantee the 2nd charge on play.

Seal of the Seventh Sign:

A good Testing Sprint has about a fifty-fifty of being rudely interrupted by our friend. Drop this bad boy right before a Testing Sprint to secure yourself a clue from every location in the game, as well as a all the extras.

Extra toys

Segment of Onyx:

This Luke deck is very good at assembling them. Whitton Greene will fish them out of your deck for you, and Enraptured can add charges to the Pendant of the Queen. Luke however doesn't really need it to teleport, but free clues and evades are very nice.

Practice Makes Perfect:

A very good card to take advantage of the skills in the deck. It can also fish out your astounding revelations. One argument against running it is that it reduces the number of skills still in your deck to hit with Parallel Fates.


Aug 29, 2024 Kradish · 1

Thoughts on using Encyclopedia? It's a Tome, could synergize with Whitton Greene.