Daisy "Dog Walking" Walker - The Hellhound Whisperer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

shortpunch · 180

Daisy Walker - The Hellhound Whisperer

Daisy always loved dogs. She used to walk them as a part-time job in her high school and college years to get some spending money for her personal occult book collection. She picked up a few tricks on how to deal with unruly pets from those times. Little did she know how important those lessons would become as she learns of a peculiar summoning ritual...


Daisy is, in my opinion, the best1 user of Summoned Hound. While a seemingly strange choice at first, Daisy Walker has quite a few tools at her disposal that naturally work well with both her as a seeker and a pet tamer. Principally, the taboo'd Scroll of Secrets allows her to bury and discard her weaknesses. Almost no other investigator2 has access to this particular combination except for Daisy, making her uniquely equipped to dog taming.

Additionally, Daisy already likes to investigate and thus boosting helps both Daisy and the hounds.

1 Although Patrice Hathaway provides a solid contender.

2Lola Hayes could make this work actually and bury her weakness, but then you're playing Lola.


The major goal of this deck is to get both Summoned Hounds in play. Then with an Encyclopedia in hand, Daisy can investigate at 7 , 5 times per turn. With other static boosts from Alyssa Graham or 2x Death • XIII, and Magnifying Glass, you could be investigating at 10 without any commits!

With Encyclopedia, Pathfinder, 2x Summoned Hound, Daisy can even have the equivalent of 7 actions per turn.

The hounds also provide some ability for Daisy to deal with enemies, although you're primarily hoping to use them to sniff out clues.

You can then keep the Summoned Beast in check with Scroll of Secrets and (before you get the scroll upgrade) Alyssa Graham. Recharge your Scroll of Secrets with Enraptured and Truth from Fiction.

Economy-wise, this deck is helped by Astounding Revelation and your search options. You can also use it to top-up secrets on your Scroll of Secrets if you don't need the resources. Research Librarian can essentially be played for free, and net you your coveted Scroll of Secrets. Calling in Favors is another large deck search and can pull back Research Librarian for another deck search. Anna Kaslow also does a full deck search.

Unfortunately Alyssa Graham and Scroll of Secrets are look as opposed to search, so they're not compatible with Astounding Revelation.

Opening Hands

Your major goals are to get one of the following three openers and to not have any Astounding Revelation in hand:

Anna Kaslow + Calling in Favors + Scroll of Secrets works too.

High-variance: Mulligan to try to hit the above. Higher chance to hit Astounding Revelation which wastes the card, although it can be committed for .

Low-variance: Only mulligan Astounding Revelation so you don't don't waste its revelation effect.

The chance to get Death • XIII and/or Anna Kaslow also helps make your openings more stable.

Upgrade Path

0 XP Deck | 14 XP Core

Core Deck (14 XP)


Other Options

Looking for more offensive options? More pseudo-actions? More action-compression?


What about using Archaic Glyphs to play Summoned Hound without the downside?

With you upgrade path, getting to Markings of Isis is a significant a detour. Additionally, it has a tempo hit to complete the side-quest, and another tempo hit to get it set-up compared to just burying the weakness with Scroll of Secrets. The overlapping arcane slots means that the second hound will discard the glyphs. And the glyphs aren't tomes so they can't be used with Daisy's free or be retrieved with Research Librarian.

The goal if this deck is to get set-up quickly to get a much use of Summoned Hound with the ability to quickly retrieve Scroll of Secrets and Summoned Hound with Research Librarian and Calling in Favors. I think you either build around Archaic Glyphs to cheat Summoned Hound into play, or you try a deck like this to deal with the weakness. Don't try to do both.


Jul 15, 2021 Lord Triloth · 1897

Caveat that I didn't try this deck out

Personally I find Old Book of Lore a must have in Daisy. Especially when you run 3x AstoundingRevelation. It's a huge tempo card and the upgraded version is amazing.
I find the Anna Kaslow a bit questionable. The intention of her use it to boost your int, but I find the miskatonic army with Miskatonic Archaeology Funding does the job much better. Whitton, Milan Librarian are all miskatonic and additionally they all have Tome-synergy for Daisy.

The approach to cheat around the Weakness-Hound is quite interesting. You say though that you don't run the Glyphs, because of the tempo, but all the anti-weakness is also takes time to set up. Plus the glyphs itself is also a great tempo card, with her high intellect. It takes up a slot, yeah, but you shouldn't really need it anymore, by the time you have both dogs in play.
All this is to say that I think you'd profit more/additionally of ways to kill the weakness, so that you can really focus on getting the dog into play as soon as you draw it.

Jul 15, 2021 shortpunch · 180

@Lord Triloth Thank you for the really thoughtful feedback.

Overall, I would say this deck is quite anti-draw. I think Old Book of Lore is a great card for Daisy. Here, however, it's anti-synergistic with Scroll of Secrets since it forces your deck to shuffle. With Scroll of Secrets, you're pulling cards from the bottom of your deck, discarding weaknesses, and putting them on top of your deck so you guarantee safe draws.

I think there are options to play with if you're not a fan of Anna Kaslow. I think she works well here (beyond just getting a static boost) in that she adds another full deck search and discounts her own cost immediately. Whitton Greene is a great ally, but she forces shuffles and you are running relatively tome-light in this deck.

In terms of set-up, you have 4 cards that guarantee getting Scroll of Secrets. And with just 1x Scroll of Secrets, you already have significant deck control. A single scroll can guarantee up to the next 9 card draws as being safe. Calling in Favors also helps to get the dog into play more easily.

Archaic Glyphs requires you to wait to get Summoned Hound in hand and pass an appropriate test. I think it works and can work really well, but you would build quite a different deck that's more draw heavy.

Jul 15, 2021 slawthius · 1

What scenarios are you playing / how are you playing them to earn 14-18xp per game? The max I've been getting in PtC scenarios 1-4 (3 players) was 6-7xp using a clue progression-heavy, minimal conflict playstyle while still interacting with all available encounters / story elements.

Jul 16, 2021 MrGoldbee · 1404


Jul 16, 2021 Conalias · 1

I've used the hounds on a Patrice deck, where the intent is to put them into play so the bounded cards are not added to it. Quite fun. But my question is: are we sure that the static boosts are applied to the hounds as well as for Daisy???

Jul 16, 2021 shortpunch · 180

@slawthiusThe decks here are just major breakpoints. Typically 4-7 exp is pretty common, so this would be closer to the middle / end of the campaign.

@ConaliasStatic boost are applied as Summond Hound, Duke, The Red-Gloved Man set your base stat. Bonuses apply on top of your base stat.

ST.5 "Start with the base skill (of the skill that matches the type of test that is resolving) of the investigator performing this test, and apply all active modifiers, including the appropriate icons that have been committed to this test, effects of the chaos token(s) revealed, and all active card abilities that are modifying the investigator's skill value."

Jul 16, 2021 Django · 4904

Nice idea. Actually any survivor with access to A Chance Encounter can make very good use of the dog, as long as another investigator has the dogs in their deck. I'm currently playing Wendy Adams while Sister Mary has them in her deck. Scroll of Prophecies is very good to discard them, or commit them to a / tests.

When using the hounds, it's like your own investigator uses the skill, just with a different base value, so all static bonuses apply.

About scroll of secrets. How about Ariadne's Twine to add more secrets to it? Or Scavenging via Versatile to recycle it? You should easily succeed by 2 or more each turn to trigger scav.