Diana S. - Learn to say NO while wielding a Meme Hammer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ichinokata00 · 367

This deck is designed to be played as a support and backup fighter on a Standalone scenario with two basic weaknesses so I limited the exp to 29. We somehow managed to win an Epic Multiplayer Game of Machinations Through Time with this deck.

Before we begin, please answer the following questions:

1.) Are you the type of person who hates dealing with the encounter deck and wishes you could just say NO to whatever it throws at you?

2.) Do you wish your teammates could just get clues in peace?

3.) Do you want to bash enemies with an OP weapon?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then you might find Gloria Goldberg Diana Stanley as an interesting investigator. She basically does all those things but without being too OP, because Diana starts off with 1.

1.) Don't be choosy on playing your 'cancel and ignore' cards. As mentioned above, you start with 1 which makes you weak and almost useless at the start of the scenario, so use your 'cancel and ignore' cards as often as you can until you rack up to at least 4 or 5 willpower. Waiting for the right time to use the 'cancel/ignore' cards will just make you useless for most of the game.

2.) Search for your weapons as soon as you can as well. Twilight Blade lets you recycle your cancel cards and has a cool combo with Delay the Inevitable, whilst the Meme Hammer is your main weapon that can even make some of your fighter teammates jealous. Lastly Shrivelling is a good backup weapon that can be played with Eldritch Inspiration. You may use this while waiting for your main weapon and for dealing with special monsters.

3.) After you have at least 5-6 total + the Hammer, just follow your cluever teammate(s) with Safeguard and protect them from whatever the encounter deck throws at them.

4.) The other cards either help you by providing an additional weapon slot, damage, or horror soak as well as bonus such as Holy Rosary, Bandolier and Brother Xavier. There are also some that help you get your weapons sooner such as Tetsuo Mori and Prepared for the Worst

Other Notes:
1.) Please note that as per the new errata, Deny Existence can now only ignore one (1) horror VS Terrible Secret. Hopefully, you can manage the horror with your Holy Rosary and with your allies.

3.) Refer to the Side Deck for some recommendations on the level 0 version for campaign play.


Nov 15, 2023 RyanMuQ · 548

No mystics can say no to Cyclopean Hammer :)

I wonder why Cyclopean Hammer is called Meme Hammer? It looks interesting.

Nov 15, 2023 ichinokata00 · 367

The hammer is so strong that most mystics will fight with at least a base value of 6 or 7. Now with unlimited uses/charges with a chance of bonus damage, no nasty side-effects, and safely avoiding damage during the enemy phase (by moving enemies), it gives little room for other mystic weapons or spells to shine and this makes even other fighting-focused investigators jealous.

This is why I try to avoid using the hammer on other mystics. Diana is an exemption for me though as this has a nice combo with Bandolier and Tetsuo Mori. This weapon also frees up space for more support or cancel/ignore cards.