Sefina Rousseau returns to Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KarmicVoice · 27

This is my attempt at a deck for Sefina for the Return to Carcosa campaign. She will be the generalist, playing in conjunction with Zoe ( and Minh (

Sefina can do a bit of everything - she can fight off monsters with Shrivelling and find clues with Rite of Seeking. Arcane Initiate can be used to mill through her deck to find The Painted World, and I've gone for 20 events to make the most of her ability.

I've never used Double or Nothing before and am looking forward to finding out why this card has the reputation it does.

The first upgrade will be Adaptable allowing me to swap cards in and out of Sefina's deck to suit each mission (I'm looking at you Fine Clothes), followed by Ward of Protection which will also allow me to slot my 0-xp wards into Zoey's deck.

Next up will be increasing Sefina's clue finding abilities with Rite of Seeking and Lockpicks, and getting an engine going with Streetwise and Hot Streak. Suggestion is also a great card to include given Sefina will have a base total of 8 for any attempt.

Other options are Fearless as an upgrade for Guts, and Sneak Attack is worth considering too.

There's always Ace in the Hole or The Gold Pocket Watch if I have XP to burn.

Adaptable will also allow me to swap in Holy Rosary or St. Hubert's Key if Sefina needs more buffs as the campaign goes on. Contraband will also help recharge Zoey's Lightning Gun