Stupidly Broken Finn

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Finn Investigates Better Than Daisy ! 2 0 1 1.0

Difrakt · 1278

The idea here is simple: This is a win-by-2 Expert deck. Start by mulliganing for as many of Lone Wolf, LdL, LCC, and Pickpocketing as possible, then play these cards in that order of priority.

Next, use your low to get to 3 sanity as quickly as possible. Then, use your iconic Survivor and Seeker cards to hover at that sanity threshold as long as possible, taking hits if you can safely afford it, and healing yourself when you cannot. If you need to let Leo take some hits and swap him out for Peter Sylvestre, that is totally acceptable.

At this point between FoF, the Desperate suite, and Finn's unique ability you should be drawing vast amounts of your deck. Drop Hard Knocks when there's a lul as your Lone Wolf will be accumulating lots of unused resources, and unfortunately there aren't enough Reckless Assaults to guarantee you can handle most bosses.

There's only three weapons in this deck and that's enough because you will run into them by drawing through your deck before you need them. If you don't just dodge and buy yourself some time (and more cards).

Upgrade priorities include: Charon's Obol because why not. Lockpicks because they're strictly better than flashlight and are extremely likely to trigger your by-two engine nearly every turn. Lower priorities include second LCC slot, better Pickpocketing, upgraded .41 Derringer, Streetwise and more room for friends depending on priority.

A last point of contention: depending on whether you want to play Expert mode or Expert's Expert mode you may or may not want to grab Key of Ys. If so that allows you to 'buy out' of some of your desperate suite. In this case I would lose the Desperate Searches, then RFYLs and replace that with some Fences and then maybe weapons after that. In my opinion you're already on Expert there's lots of risk already and no reason to play by the rules of Standard puritans, but that's just me. In this case definitely have Charisma and at LEAST one copy of Relic Hunter first so you can still practice cool lung cancer habits and have your trusty football sidekick to protect your valuable bling.

This deck is very powerful imo. First pass through Curtain Call got me 3xp and would have gotten me 5 if it wasn't for a horde of bad tokens when trying to kill the big baddie. It's is definitely got some serious power to it so take it for a swing and see if you can't optimize it further and get back to me.


Jul 07, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67586

Love the concept here. But how do you stop yourself from going insane if youve deliberately put yourself to 3 sanity. There are so many encounter cards that will deal you 3 horror in one go so you`ll be dead before you can heal back. Are you reliant on burning an ally each time you draw one, or have i missed something here?

Might I suggest some Perseverance and a second Peter Sylvestre rather than Logical Reasoning. It gives you a little flexibility on those 3 point blows.

Im also not sure how your getting clues reliably? 4 doesnt quite go far enough so it looks like your a little over reliant on Flashlights being drawn early and just spamming investigate actions quite liberally until one lands. While there arnt many good pre xp options for rogue. I would be inclined to keep both the Flashlight and the Lockpicks after xp rather than over writing them. Ive also always (reluctantly) ended up using Magnifying Glass for the first scenario then adapting them out once ive got Lockpicks.

Lola Santiagos Auto clue ability looks like a perfect fit for expert mode here too mind. Not long before she`s out!

Jul 07, 2018 Difrakt · 1278

Honestly you cannot lose the Logical Reasonings, believe it or not they’re not there for the sanity so much as to clear Frozen in Fear which comes up way too often. Since this is solo you cannot deflect it away, and the only other option would be Dr. William T. Maleson which I’ve considered but would overly tax the ally slot and would need to be drawn first.

The entire point of the desperate suite is to hit those by-2 thresholds. You can try playing without them but I think that will drastically reduce the power of the deck. Usually they don’t enter your hand quickly enough until you are set up for them to clutter your hand, and it’s usually not too hard to hit 3 sanity quickly regardless. I’ve found it’s also not extremely dangerous to do this since your biggest threat is Rotting Remains, and when you’re at the point where you’re testing this you should have a copy of Say Your Prayers or Logical Reasoning to endure so you should be able to survive. Of course it is risky, I’m not denying that. An early RR on the other hand is a hilarious blessing.

Jul 07, 2018 duke_loves_biscuits · 1243

Have you tested it, eg, solo Expert RNOTZ? What were the results?

Jul 07, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67586

Yeah fair enough. I stopped using Logical Reasoning in favour of Lucky! for clearing Frozen in Fear. Basically you just wait until you draw a high token then Lucky! it away rather than using Logical Reasoning as a silver bullet. The issue there is that it burns an out of faction slot, but it is ofc more versitile on scenarios without Rotting Remains or equivalent cards. With xp Sure Gamble does a similar (or arguably better) job and is in faction incase it helps.

Jul 10, 2018 Tiltowait · 20

Nice concept.

We are playing normal difficulty and run into many situations (first scenario of a campaign) where a 7 rating gives you a 1 in 3 chance of success. If there's anything I would add to this deck it would be cards to avoid the chaos bag and simply have auto-success (or success on failure). Lucky! or similar cards are really useful due to the ability to play after a failure.