Finn Edwards Duo with daisy V1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Quick Finngers Edwards (Hard Mode) 441 364 11 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Stebb · 2


Carcosa Duo with Daisy

Using evasion special ability and high agility to utilise Sneak Attack and Eavesdrop for damage and clue finding respectively.

Backstab, Sneak Attack and Kukri additional action damage to allow multiple damage for a single chaos bag draw

Lone Wolf and "Watch this!" help provide resources to power Hard Knocks.

Double or Nothing with:

  • "Watch this!" to give up to 12 resource for 3, net 9 gain.
  • Backstabto give 6 damage on a single attack
  • Eavesdrop to gain 4 clues for 1 action although less likely to be viable on an intellect test until Streetwise upgrade in place.

"You handle this one!", Logical Reasoning, Guts and Peter Sylvestre all to help mitigate low willpower and likely sanity damage taken from the encounter deck etc.

Kukri for low attack / low health enemies allowing bigger hitting events and skills to be retained for bigger fights late in scenarios.

Flashlight used to aid clue finding and potentially near guarantee for Double or Nothing / Watch this combinations on shroud 2 or less locations.

Lucky! and Unexpected Courage to provide ultimate flexibility on skill tests.

Narrow Escape is a utility card with multiple uses when engaged with an enemy. Allows moving away without damage, playing Kukri from hand to table and then taking a +2 attack,

Possible upgrades

Lockpicks (1XP) : Clue finding - very high skill possible combo with double of nothing for a second clue and watching this for extra cash.

Streetwise (3XP) : Access to intellect and agility boosts for resources

Lola Santiago (3XP): Static boosts to intellect and agility

Charisma (3XP) : Needed to have 2 allies in play.

Sure Gamble (3XP): Encounter protection and Double or Nothing near guarantee.

The Skeleton Key (2XP) : Clue finding, reduces high shroud locations to 1. exhaust for clue finding with resource. Damage sink.

Pickpocketing (2XP) : Resource and card options. 2 agility pips

Emergency Cache (3XP) for more cash/restock Flashlight / lockpicks

Other cards that just missed the cut:

A few great out of faction cards that would work well in an evasion / agility based deck but ultimately lost out in the competition for just 5 out of faction card slots:

  • Waylay - A great card for despatching non elite enemies
  • Bait and Switch - Utility card that would work well with Finn
  • Survival Instinct - Another good utility card for Finn
  • Resourceful - I always like this combined with Lucky! but again ruled out due to competition for out of faction cards.

Pickpocketing - again good for an evasion / agility based character but ultimately lost out although the Pickpocketing will make the cut as its adds another resource generating card to the deck.