Quick Finngers Edwards (Hard Mode)

StartWithTheName · 67526

The deck is shown here in the 9xp stand alone version as it shows the general direction of the deck more clearly. For a campaign legal starter:

And you should end up with something like this.



An event and converter based "hit the ground running" cluer/evader Finn deck. It’s balanced for hard mode TFA (targeting 3 above test strength) and has had a little refining over several plays of the 2 TFA opening scenarios and parts of dunwich. Compulsory kills are dealt with via burst combat options, and encounter protection is provided by flexible supports selected not to compromise other deck functions.

Flashlight and Lockpicks provide single card methods of reaching 6 effective when investigating (necessary for shroud 3 on hard). Evasion is provided through Peter Sylvestre, Lola Santiago and numerous double pip cards. While a generous cash engine of Lone Wolf, Emergency Cache, "Watch this!" & Pickpocketing (2), then allows us to pay for clues and evasions via Streetwise and Lola Santiago.

Pickpocketing is our primary target for Smuggled Goods due to its huge draw potential setting up a steady feed of events and skill cards, again paid for by the big pile of cash.

Everyone's favorite kicker (Double or Nothing) then offers options for bonus clues, 6 point damage power plays with Backstab (cash + Streetwise to boost), and crazy cash multipliers from "Watch this!"

encounters are handled by The big man`s generous sanity soak, Fobbing them off to a nearby fool and the use of Lucky!, Logical Reasoning and later Sure Gamble to remove encounters that stay in play until you can pass a test. Lucky! and Sure Gamble have been given preference over Logical Reasoning as not all such cards are terror traited, and these two also offer versatile solutions to other tests if needed. Prime examples include Finn's Trusty .38 against high opponents, and recovering a failed Double or Nothing play - because there is a special place in hell for that -6 token.



Ive put this here as I know not everyone wants to read the detailed piloting. A lot is self explanatory anyway here tbh


This should get you approximately to the listed deck.

Further priorities:

After that were past the versions that ive tried out, but a few things that look good or that i have found work in other similar decks:





This will be slightly different as we dont have Streetwise and we have Mag Glasses until we can get Lockpicks with xp. We`ve even had to sacrificed a little protection to get them. This is why weve swapped Double or Nothing for another Unexpected Courage, and should ideally keep Lucky! in reserve if we dont have "You handle this one!"s to spare.

Were also reliant on using pips until we can dig out Hard Knocks and Peter Sylvestre to reliably reach 6 on tap. Note that with Peter Sylvestre in play we are fine for 2 enemies and will mainly be burning pips on the 3s.



as usual were aiming 3 above test strength, most encounter tests are str 3, so we need to reach 6 reliably, though we can get away with 5 for evading about half the early game enemies due to certain enemy set compositions that I wont spoil.

  • Prioritise Allies for passive boosts. Both The big man and Lola, offer +1, and together we have the magic 6 passively.

Until then were using :



This is all self explanatory.

  • Primary clue assets Flashlight and Lockpicks both allow us to get to 6 on investigation tests without needing multi card combos, which is necessary for upto shroud 3.
  • Streetwise + Tons of Cash. These provide back up when Flashlight/Lockpicks are unavailable, or let us go high for shroud 4+ locations.
  • Lola Santiago + Tons of Cash. Provide fast action auto clues, for both action efficiency and getting around locations that penalize investigation actions. The + is just a bonus, and note that Lockpicks benefit from both her and buffs.
  • Double or Nothing acts a bit like Deduction for a bonus clue, or indeed if you took Deduction lets you take upto 4 clues. Note that this combos well with: both Lockpicks' and Streetwise's abilities to go ridiculously high (independently or in combo), and Flashlight'ss ability to zero a shroud (or tbh turn a 3 into a 1 which only doubles to 2). Finally see Sure Gamble in Encounter protection below.



All our back up options are cash dependent so weve packed plenty. You wont be as rich as you would be with Milan and Burglary, but weve kept most of the events cheap to compensate. Dont spend cash frivolously, and do stockpile.

  • Pickpocketing MVP. The primary target for Smuggled Goods. Once its in play you will get a steady supply of draw. Getting two in play can be ridiculous. Prioritising the upgrade is important for adding cash supply options (or both) and making it fast. The latter saves you an action installing but importantly lets you play it while engaged without needing to use Narrow Escape). Just be aware of the impact of drawing into Caught Red-Handed AFTER youve just evaded something. Elusive can be used to get you out of this most times if you took it.
  • Lone Wolf. Early game this is cash MVP. Get it down asap. For anyone unaware, this triggers on when you take your turn, not when the round starts so you can just get your comrades to move out of your location before you take your turn.
  • Emergency Cache. simple burst cash, upgraded it can also offer supply tokens to restock Flashlights.
  • "Watch this!". This plays a similar role to Emergency Cache offering 3 free cash, but potentially action free. Note that since it adds 1 and requires you to pass by 1, it doesnt really help you pass the test, unless you are willing to gamble that money. Ideally your looking to throw this in on a test that you were already going to breeze through if you want the cash. Or if you want the pip, just dont commit any money. If you are going all in, Sure Gamble is your friend to back it up.



Finns Achilles heel, but its really not that bad. The key is not to silver bullet too much. With 1 there is a risk of slotting lots of silver bullet encounter counters that end up being dead draws. Instead we have opted for several multipurpose wild +2s or retrospective counters that open up deck space elsewhere (see pretty much all above sections). Anyway we have some generic solutions:

  • "You handle this one!" - Thematic MVP and simply lots of fun. Self explanatory - fob it off to someone who can deal with it better.
  • Test recovery On hard Sure Gamble can turn those -2 or worse tokens into +2 or better, giving you great odds on passing tests of 3 (which are most common). This will only increase as the campaign bag inevitably gets tougher later on. Lucky! can be used in a similar way if you draw +1s or 0's. Or stacked to recover a -2.

For specific encounter types we can be a bit more tricksy if we take note of the common effects that checks typically hit you with:

  • Horror. Usually per point the test fails by. We can soak 1 of these with Peter Sylvestre, leaving 2 to worry about. If we have our second copy of the big man, we can let him die and just replay him. effectively paying 3 for 2 horror recovery. Lola Santiago offers another 2 later on. We can also modify the test retrospectively with Lucky! or Sure Gamble to reduce the horror taken. You dont actually have to pass. Just get it low enough that it makes little difference after allies.
  • Action loss. This is an action efficient deck with only 4-5 asset installs for a full rig, plus Finn's base evade skill gives us a little more freedom. There are plenty of times we can accept losing an action her and there since we've gained it through an efficient deck.
  • Asset Loss. Losing an empty Flashlight is irrelevant. Infact if it gets put back in your deck or hand it can even reload it. Or indeed once you find your Lockpicks you may no longer need the Flashlight even if it still has batteries. We always have Streetwise to back it up. Finally we have spare copies of Lone Wolf, Peter Sylvestre and Lola Hayes if needed. I would try to keep Pickpocketing since they stack. If your struggling badly Adapt in Scavenging or Smuggled Goods something back from the bin.

All this freedom affords us loads of wild cards to let us adapt to the situation:

  • Wild Card Flexibility Lucky!, Sure Gamble, Unexpected Courage and Narrow Escape are now all available to throw into , or checks as needed making you substantially more versatile than if you'd gone deep in silver bullets. Dont get me wrong. The odd silver bullet 1 off is fine like.





The Logical Reasoning shown here is flexible since we’re dealing with encounters (and terror cards) via Lucky!/Sure Gamble. This gives us some options for the 5 out of faction slot. If it helps I personally prefer Eureka! (Lockpicks combo and can be Doubled) or Scavenging.



I’ve not played true solo so this is quite speculative, but the deck is fairly generalist so i expect it will work if we just need to swap out the multiplayer cards. Happy to hear thoughts but my best guess is:


Trade these around depending on your team composition. If your team is fine for combat, bring Elusives.



Lupara is absolutely fine on standard. However on hard it suffers from the same problem as Finn's Trusty .38 that 5 is only reliable on enemies with upto 2. We use Finn's Trusty .38 by burning wild support cards, but as we add more Luparas, we’re going to find these start to run out too fast. So we end up adding more supports at the expense of other deck functions. For example swap out Flashlight and become an evasive combatant, or swap out Sneak Attack and go item based reuseable combat who has to juggle hand slots (Scavenging). Promising looking options for supports:

  • Hard Knocks, offers perminant reusable pay to boost .
  • Scavenging, lets you juggle hand slots late game. With Lockpicks you are going to be exceeding by two on investigation tests a lot so it will be triggering. Notice with Scavenging that both Lupara and Finn's Trusty .38 can repeatedly be used for a single pip to get you to that magic 6.

Alternatively just don’t go full throttle on this and just taking 1x Lupara over a Backstab and tutor it if needed.



In combo with the big man this lets you remove damage. I often do this for Until the End of Time because if you get poisoned, theres going to be a lot of auto damage, Passing tests isn't an issue, but that hard mode will eventually show at an inopportune time, and basically getting poisoned on a check may be unavoidable. Then again, you can just take some semi obvious supply options for removing poison and just put up with it for the back end of one scenario. Once we get Lola then the option to replace allies gives us a little more soak.


Jun 07, 2018 Faranim · 399

I didn’t think "Watch this!" works while investigating, even with Lockpicks? The check is still an check so you can only commit cards with or icons. Note that this is different from Streetwise and Hard Knocks which you can still use to boost your with Lockpicks. I thought this was because the rules for using abilities are different from the rules regarding what kinds of cards can be committed to a check.

I didn’t think about how Lucky! can also get rid of Frozen in Fear as long as you have a small boost or wait to draw a 0 or +1. I think you’re probably right that it’s a better pick over Logical Reasoning since it is useful on all kinds of other checks.

Jun 07, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67526

Thanks @Faranim, i may have been playing that wrong (and infact testing the deck with this assumption), though admittedly it wont have come up very often.

Im off to work just now so I`ll modify the text later on. Its not as effective as lockpicks, but you can reliably land "Watch this!" on an evade action at least. The biggest drawback there is that evade opportunities are less frequent.

Jun 07, 2018 matt88 · 3093

I ve seen so many Finn decks -why doesn't anyone use Burglary???

Jun 08, 2018 Faranim · 399

Because Burglary is really bad in terms of action tempo and efficiency (for all Rogues). You have to spend 2 actions, 1 card, 1 resource, and pass an investigate check to earn 3 resources. You could have just used 2 actions to earn 2 resources and been in a better situation. Even after using Burglary 3 times (4 actions, 1 card, 1 resource to earn 9), you net 8 resources. Spending 4 actions for 8 resources is not that great, plus it requires passing a whole lot of skill checks (which can fail or cause other bad effects). I would much rather have found 3 clues, than earned 8 resources.

Pickpocketing and especially Pickpocketing (2) are much better for Finn because you get a free action to Evade with anyway, so it's not distracting you from completing the scenario.

Jun 08, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67526

yes tempo hit aside, my problem with Burglary is its quite hard to pass the invstigate test without a lot of supports. 4 is a high base, but on hard that is only going to reliably land on shroud 1 (1 or 2 on standard) since you cant combine it with Flashlight or Lockpicks (what a thematic miss!). Such locations become rare fairly early in a campaign. Anyway basically you then need some passive + to have it active on enough locations to get to that 3rd-5th use from it where youve seen some form of value. Unfortunately rogue tools for doing so (primarily Streetwise) eat into your profit too much (pay 2 to gain 3 = 1), though we have Lola Santiago on the way. You could also possibly take Dario El-Amin, who ive never tried in Finn, but youre then sort of locking away 10 of those hard earned pennies which hits tempo again.

It is possible to import Magnifying Glass and Dr. Milan Christopher (see this deck) at which point the maths start to work a little more efficiently. However thats a lot of combo pieces to be using as supports for a cash card, so you need to be using them for other purposes and adding Burglary to the existing rig rather than bringing them as supports. For example with 1 Magnifying Glass and Dr. Milan Christopher, you can hit shroud 3s (the most common) and gain 4 resources per action (so 8 for 3 actions for example) while supporting your primary cluing function.

Oct 14, 2018 OzValdo · 691

Great Deck! tested it on 3 scenarios, no issues whatsoever

Oct 16, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67526

Thanks @OzValdo. I still use this deck loads. The start deck is almost the same, though i now swap 2x "Watch this!" for 2x Lucky Cigarette Case. The cigs are one of the best current rogue cards in the game imo - even if your not running an exceed by 2 build it procs most turns just by chance draws and rogue has needed draw for ages.

What its gained over the cycle has been upgrade options. Pay Day is an obvious cash bomb when you have 4 actions innate. High Roller makes you very versitile. it can be used to bolster Double or Nothing power plays, focably trigger Lucky Cigarette Case, or provide the needed combat boost to turn on some of the toys like the ever scavengable Lupara. If you dont mind buring the cash it can also save you 2 san on some of these will checks if you get caught short.

On the clue side, Lola Santiago is absolutely king (or indeed queen) in a cash build, and im yet to try it, but i have hopes for The Skeleton Key if its not too slow. Then again slow or not the combo with Lola Santiago to give 1 penny clues is very tempting.

Weirdly ive been delaying taking Streetwise in favor of these and not really missing it badly.

Oct 20, 2018 OzValdo · 691

@StartWithTheNamethat sounds like another deck idea... when are you going to load that up here ;)

Oct 22, 2018 StartWithTheName · 67526

Hehe. I’ve been a bit busy with work recently @OzValdo. But I do have plans to publish it after I’ve had a chance to text it a bit on the later TFA scenarios. The start deck is similar as I say but the write up will be quite different and has some moderate damage options now. Might be one to post after the last pack perhaps.

Jul 01, 2019 Leon · 1

Any changes to the deck since last pack? We are starting the indiana jones campaign this week

Jul 09, 2019 StartWithTheName · 67526

If im honest @Leon, ive not played much Finn since the early TFA days so anything i say is quite speculative. I have a work in progress drawing thin + track shoes and big money version of him these days that uses well connected to just pass will checks. It uses a similar framework to this, though its only had one play test and it was stand alone mode so i had lola santiago etc in place from the beginning so i have no idea how viable it would be over a campaign

Was fun at least