The Adventures of Carolyn Fern

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

YourGo · 2

beginning concept deck for the Circle Undone


Jan 01, 2019 Veronica212 · 291

How many investigators are you building this list for? I wouldn't run First Aid or Clarity of Mind unless my group really needs the horror soak. I don't think they're worth the actions.

Jan 01, 2019 YourGo · 2

This deck is meant to be paired with three other investigators (Preston, Diana, and Rita) for The Circle Undone. It is still an in-progress concept, and will certainly change once we see all the new cards that come out in that expansion.

Jan 01, 2019 Veronica212 · 291

@YourGoOkay, good to know. I still think First Aid and Clarity of Mind are dubious choices. Rita only has 5 Sanity so you may want to keep one, but both seems overkill.

I think Carolyn Fern's ability is best when you only use it with cards that would normally see play. I don't think it makes cards that are normally weak good enough to see play.

I would maybe take out Peter Sylvestre. While I think he's great and you probably want to play Peter Sylvestre (lvl 2), bringing five allies in a deck without Charisma could end up being a problem.

I am somewhat surprised to see no Logical Reasoning. And your deck seems to be very low on Events regardless. Have you considered removing a few assets and playing things like Preposterous Sketches, Scene of the Crime, Shortcut and especially Ward of Protection?

I do love Painkillers in this deck, especially with Peter Sylvestre. Healing damage and gaining resources at the same time is neat.

Jan 01, 2019 Django · 5032

@wern212 Peter + forbidden knowledge is a cool combo with Carolyn’s ability, so I’d run both in most of her Decks.