  • Q: I have a question about Analysis and Strong-Armed. The triggering condition for their effects are "After revealing a chaos token for this skill test..." and "After revealing chaos token(s) for this skill test..." Are we to interpret both effects as referring to the "reveal chaos tokens" step of a skill test, or after the act of "you reveal chaos tokens". The plain English reading of both cards has an implicit "you" as the subject of the clause, and it's unclear if these cards are intended to only be applicable on your own skill tests, or if they can be used on another investigator's skill test and still resolve their abilities. A: You are able to commit Analysis and Strong-Armed to another investigator’s skill test. If you do, the “you” in either ability refers to the owner of the card, not the investigator performing the skill test. If you, as a Seeker investigator, commit Analysis to the Guardian’s skill test, you the Seeker are able to use the ability on Analysis to drop a clue and have the Guardian reveal another chaos token. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
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  • Q: I have a question about Analysis and Strong-Armed. The triggering condition for their effects are "After revealing a chaos token for this skill test..." and "After revealing chaos token(s) for this skill test..." Are we to interpret both effects as referring to the "reveal chaos tokens" step of a skill test, or after the act of "you reveal chaos tokens". The plain English reading of both cards has an implicit "you" as the subject of the clause, and it's unclear if these cards are intended to only be applicable on your own skill tests, or if they can be used on another investigator's skill test and still resolve their abilities. A: You are able to commit Analysis and Strong-Armed to another investigator’s skill test. If you do, the “you” in either ability refers to the owner of the card, not the investigator performing the skill test. If you, as a Seeker investigator, commit Analysis to the Guardian’s skill test, you the Seeker are able to use the ability on Analysis to drop a clue and have the Guardian reveal another chaos token. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
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Inner Chamber
  • Q: In the Relics of the past challenge scenario, how do you resolve drawing a location using the non-explore ability on Inner Chamber? Would they possibly just go into play regardless of if they're connecting to your current location? A: The ability on Inner Chamber is intended to allow the investigators to draw Relic cards from the exploration deck; it is not intended to allow the investigators to put locations into play. We will plan to update Inner Chamber to specify that you can draw a “non-location” card revealed with its ability. Any location cards you reveal with Inner Chamber should be shuffled back into the exploration deck. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
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Survival Knife
  • Q: When an enemy with elusive attacks an investigator holding a Survival Knife (2)? What happens after the knife reaction attack? 1. If the enemy dies after the attack, I guess we don't resolve the enemy attack? 2. If the enemy doesn't die, I understand that the enemy will disengage and move to another location. But should I resolve the attack and so apply damages to the investigator with the knife? A: Say an elusive enemy initiates an attack against you, triggering the reaction ability on Survival Knife (L2). First, you resolve your attack against the enemy. If the enemy survives the attack, it moves via its elusive keyword, exhausts, then completes its attack against you (since that attack was already initiated). If the enemy is defeated by your attack, it does not complete its attack against you. (Rules Forum Answer, May 2024)
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  • Q: If I have Intrepid attached to Astronomical Atlas and commit it using the Fast Trigger on the Atlas, what happens? Does Intrepid get put into play or go to my hand? If it does get put into play, would it return to my hand from the Atlas effect when Intrepids Forced effect causes it to discard at the end of the round? Also, what happens if the Intrepid is commited from the Atlas, gets put into play, and then is used as a target for Summoned Servitors "discard cost"? Does the Intrepid get pulled back to hand due to the Atlas, and does this cause the Summoned Servitor to fizzle from not fulfilling it's cost to play? Thanks for an awesome game! A: If you commit Intrepid with Astronomical Atlas and that test is successful, you will add Intrepid to your play area and resolve its Forced ability at the end of the round. By itself, AA would add the committed card to your hand during Step 8 of a skill test, when the cards normally get discarded; however, Intrepid does not get discarded at this step, and AA does not create a lasting effect beyond Step 8, so that effect does not resolve. If Intrepid is being treated as an asset, you may discard it for Summoned Servitor’s additional cost. If that Summoned Servitor also has the “Dreaming Call” upgrade, Intrepid can then be returned to hand, and will not need to be discarded via its Forced effect after that. (Rules Forum Answer, September 2024)
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