- Q: If I commit Purified to another investigator's skill test and they succeed by 3, what happens? Purified reads "for each point you succeeded by", and as I am not the investigator taking the test, I have not succeeded by any value. This aligns with the usage of "you" in cards like Guts Vs Eureka where Eureka specifies the performing investigator is the one who searches. A: If you commit Purified to another investigator’s test, nothing will happen if the test succeeds. Purified specifies “for each point you succeeded by,” referring to the owner of Purified rather than “the performing investigator.” (Rules Forum Answer, September 2024)
- The bearer of Dendromorphosis can assign damage to Dendromorphosis, as it is an asset they control. (Rules Forum Answer, August 2024)
Q: How does Rex's ability work with effects that add more than 2 curse tokens, or drop more than 1 clue? A: Rex’s reaction ability can be used on effects that add more than 2 curse tokens or drop more than 1 clue; what happens is, he will only replace 2 curse tokens or 1 clue drop for that effect, and still do the rest of the effect. For example, if he plays Call the Beyond, he can satisfy its additional cost by placing 1 of his clues on his location and adding just 1 curse token to the chaos bag. (Rules Forum Answer, August 2024)
Q: I have a question about Parallel Rex Murphy. When using his reaction to replace a placing a clue with adding curse tokens, does the "(This can still satisfy the cost of an ability.)" clause mean that effects such as Research Notes or Captivating Discovery recognize this replacement as the clue being placed for the purpose of resolving their abilities? Or does it merely mean that costs are considered to be paid and the effect may continue to resolve; for instance if you place a clue instead of adding curse tokens as an additional cost for playing Faustian Bargain. A: Parallel Rex’s ability can be used on costs or effects that prompt you to either place clues on a location or add 2 curse tokens to the chaos bag. For example, you can satisfy the additional cost on Faustian Bargain by placing 1 clue on your location instead of adding 2 curse tokens to the chaos bag. For Research Notes, however, its ability will only trigger if you place a clue on your location, not if you replace placing a clue with adding curse tokens. That said, you can use Parallel Rex’s ability to place a clue instead of add curse tokens and trigger Research Notes that way. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
Q: I would like to ask you about Parallel Skids' deckbuilding and Underworld Support. Skids deckbuilding rules say: "When you upgrade a Fortune or Gambit card, you may instead pay the full experience cost of the higher level version and leave the lower level version in your deck (it does not count towards your deck size or the number of copies of that card in your deck)." Underworld Support says: "Your deck cannot include more than 1 copy of each non-weakness, non-signature card (by title)". How does the "does not count" interacts with this limit? Can Skids have Lucky (0), Lucky (2) and Lucky (3), for instance, under the premise that the first two do not count towards his deckbuilding? A: Skids O’Toole’s “Additional [Deckbuilding] Options” does not contradict or override the “cannot” on Underworld Support. If you purchase Underworld Support for your deck, you cannot include more than 1 copy of each non-weakness, non-signature card, including any higher- or lower-level versions of that card, meaning you’re locked out of using Skids’ Additional Deckbuilding Options. (Rules Forum Answer, July 2024)
Q: Can parallel investigator Skids O'Toole activate his ability by spending 0 resource to make a difficulty 0 test? A: No; to use Parallel Skids’ ability, you must spend at least 1 resource. (Rules Forum Answer, March 2025)
- Q: I would like to ask you about Parallel Skids' deckbuilding and Underworld Support. Skids deckbuilding rules say: "When you upgrade a Fortune or Gambit card, you may instead pay the full experience cost of the higher level version and leave the lower level version in your deck (it does not count towards your deck size or the number of copies of that card in your deck)." Underworld Support says: "Your deck cannot include more than 1 copy of each non-weakness, non-signature card (by title)". How does the "does not count" interacts with this limit? Can Skids have Lucky (0), Lucky (2) and Lucky (3), for instance, under the premise that the first two do not count towards his deckbuilding? A: Skids O’Toole’s “Additional [Deckbuilding] Options” does not contradict or override the “cannot” on Underworld Support. If you purchase Underworld Support for your deck, you cannot include more than 1 copy of each non-weakness, non-signature card, including any higher- or lower-level versions of that card, meaning you’re locked out of using Skids’ Additional Deckbuilding Options. (Rules Forum Answer, July 2024)