Cavern Moss
  • Q: When Cavern Moss is attached to an Item asset, does it attack you? This is a question for both normal attacks during the enemy phase and for attacks of opportunity. A: For Cavern Moss, while it is attached to an asset, it is not considered engaged with you, and it does not make attacks of opportunity nor attacks during the enemy phase. You cannot evade it if it’s attached. (Rules Forum Answer, May 2024)
Last updated
  • Q: Calcification states "You may take 1 direct damage for this test to automatically succeed." Do you have to take the direct damage before you reveal a chaos token? Or can you reveal the chaos token, see whether you succeed, and then take the direct damage if you would fail without the automatic success? A: For Calcification and cards like it, you can choose to attempt the test and see your results before taking the auto-succeed route, or you may take the auto-succeed route immediately which has you skip revealing chaos tokens for the test. (Rules Forum Answer, May 2024)
Last updated
Honed Instinct
  • You can’t take an action while resolving a skill test; if you play Honed Technique during a skill test, you must wait until the skill test finishes before taking the granted action. This is similar to FAQ entry #1.17, “Nested Skill Tests,” which prevents one skill test from initiating while another is resolving. (Rules Forum Answer, May 2024)
Last updated
Guard Dog
  • Q: I have question about card Guard Dog (2). Can you use it ability on enemy which you are engaged with to make enemy attack you? A: Yes, you can use the free triggered ability on Guard Dog (2) to make an enemy already engaged with you attack you. (Rules Forum Answer, May 2024)
Last updated
Katja Eastbank
  • Q: I have question about cards with limits like Katja Eastbank. Can you use her reaction abilty when there are 5 cards beneath her - in this case could you discard 1 one card beneath her and replace it with newly drawn card ? Or this is forbidden and you can't use her ability when her limit is reached? A: No, you can’t use Katja Eastbank’s ability while there are 5 cards beneath her. Her ability does not function like shifting slots. (Rules Forum Answer, June 2024)
Last updated