"I remember another Life, in which Agnes was good..."

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

jmmeye3 · 619

Agnes has been an enigma since the beginning of Arkham Horror LCG. She appears to be meant for combat, but struggles to do it well, because mystic and survivor cards do not compensate enough for her low combat strength. Amazingly, almost 3 years later, not much has changed for Agnes in terms of reliable attack cards, at least at level 0. If we can't rely on her 2 combat strength or on Mystic attack cards, what to do? For now, I think the answer is to take advantage of her [slightly less weak] agility.

Here’s my list of the most valuable [level 0] cards for Agnes (not in order):

  1. Shrivelling
  2. Sixth Sense (Single-handedly makes her into a reliable investigator)
  3. Holy Rosary
  4. Peter Sylvestre (Best level 0 horror soak: enables her activated power and supporting cards.
  5. Painkillers (Activates her power at will and compensates for her low health)
  6. Fearless (The healed horror translates into 1 direct damage to an enemy)

One important observation is that Agnes' agility goes up to 4 once Peter is in play. If we more passive agility boosts with Track Shoes and Trench Coat, she can have up to 6 agility-- enough to consistently evade most enemies. Evading enemies tends to make them swarm, making Storm of Spirits more valuable. The deck can then be rounded out with a Fire Axe engine (Drawing Thin, Forbidden Knowledge, Fight or Flight) plus utility cards (Lucky! and Ward of Protection).

Piloting notes:

  1. Hard mulligan for Peter and Sixth Sense.
  2. Upgrade priorities: Peter Sylvestre and/or Fearless and/or Clarity of Mind, Shrivelling, or Rite of Seeking, depending on the situation.