Bless-Curse Paradoxical Mateo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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elkeinkrad · 481

Mateo - & deck

Plenty of bless () and curse () deck. Thanks to the Mateo's deckbuilding traits blessed 0-3, Mateo is suitable for bless() deck. However, Mateo is more powerful if he works with both bless and curse. Why? Mateo could spend useful, or minimize risk, unlike other investigators.

In AHLCG, is a type of the cost; you could get bonus by adding . For example, Deep Knowledge, Faustian Bargain, Justify the Means, RĂ­astrad... Of course, Mateo cannot access almost ones. However, don't mind about that. You can simply make a party with teammate with thoes card. Then, your teammate earn something by thoes cards. Your role is simply to remove tokens with gaining another bonus.

Here are main roles & concepts:

Recommanded Teammate

  • Curse() provider: Mateo may not generate the proper number of curse. In addition, you need to find the good way to earn bonus by adding . Mateo may not access thoes cards.

  • Bless() maintainer/provider: On large group (3 or 4), the may not be kept robustly with Mateo alone. With an aid of one of your teammate, your choas bag has always plenty of tokens. The best one is Nephthys, which keeps the total number of . Sacred Covenant is also good, when your teammate don't want to add Nephthys for some reason (ally slot, deck slot, or find...). Otherwise, your teammate may add tokens. If else, you need to build your deck with more tools (for instance, both Keep Fate & Priest of Two Faiths).

Playing Guide

Mulligan guide: if your first hand...

Keep chaos bag with plenty of and : you need to plenty of and for successful test. Thus, your first objective is add plenty of and in bag. The most important thing is that you should keep lots of if the bag has lots of ; otherwise, you cannot deny at all.

Most important test Moon + Sun + Paradoxical: if you think you must succeed a test, then trigger Moon + Sun + Paradoxical. Then, you guarantee auto-succeed and you earn 1 bonus from curse-spell. However, don't forget this is less effective, and panic button.

Important test Olive: Olive is very powerful, if your bag has lots of both tokens. For 7 tokens case, you could 60% auto-success without Favor. If you have both Favor, you can trigger your Favor after you reveal 3 tokens and then resolve or effect; of course, you need to reveal one or . Therefore, with Olive and Favors, your test is usually auto-succeed.

Important Note: after you trigger Blessing of Isis or Paradoxical Covenant, you don't reveal additional tokens, although there exist any and/or tokens which are not resolved yet. You don't need to fear of after trigger.

Don't fear difficult test with Olive: with olive, it's likely that your test is auto-succeed with plenty of and tokens. Although your bag has no tokens, don't be fear to trigger Olive at difficult test. Olive increase the success rate for hard skill test. NOT FOR EXPERT.

Recharge + Favor = no risk 3 charge: when you play recharge, you simply trigger favor, then you always add 3 charges without discard. Moon is better, but Sun is ok since the token is returned into bag. If Recharge is level 4, you may play without Favor since chosen asset isn't discarded.

Presicent + Favor/Olive = symbol: with Favor or Olive, you could always get bonus of Presicent effect. Possible target is Recharge, Deny Existence, Soothing Melody, or Alter Fate.

Priest of Two Faiths is good absorber: you don't need to discard Priest next upkeep phase. Adding is not a huge penalty. Keep Priest until you use Priest as one-time absorber; enemy attack, encounter's damage/horror, or effect which makes you discard asset. However, if all are in bag and/or sealed, you should discard Priest.

Deckbuilding Guide

0-level example and upgrade notes: link

first 5xp: here are some concepts

Covenant Choice: how to select?

Accessory Slot:

Arcane Research: Armageddon, Eye of Chaos, Recharge, Alter Fate, Deny Existence (total 8 candidates)


Sep 09, 2021 GrueneLupenAufheben · 126

Favor of the Moon and Favor of the Sun don't have charges, secrets or uses of any sort and can not be "reloaded" with Recharge. The tokens are taken from the bag and sealed on the card.

Sep 09, 2021 elkeinkrad · 481

@GrueneLupenAufheben The meaning is NOT playing recharge to add tokens in Favor of the Moon and/or Sun. The target of recharge is Armageddon or Eye of Chaos. When you would reveal chaos token by the effect of recharge, you could release or on Favor of the Sun/Moon instead of revealing in chaos bag to ensure 100% success rate.

Sep 09, 2021 elkeinkrad · 481

That's the reason the deck contains only single copy of Armageddon and Eye of Chaos. Instead of playing second copy, we will add 3/4 charges via recharge; then, recharge can be recycled by Prescient if necessary. Of course, finding Armageddon or Eye of Chaos is still issue. If you need robustness (because # of player is small), I recommand Word of Command to search fast.

Dec 09, 2021 Conalias · 1

Thanks for the deck. I am looking for a 3 players team. Father Matteo and 2 Innsmouth investigators ( to run TIC). Is sister Mary a bit too much along with Matteo on bless generation ( so I would prefer Silas)? On the curse side I might consider Trish over Dexter to avoid two mystic on the team...(?)

Dec 09, 2021 elkeinkrad · 481

@Conalias I played 4-player game with sister Mary one game. In my experience, there are 7~10 bless tokens in bag most of the time. Notice that Nephthys is very powerful card to perserve blessing. Anyway, I think, if there has lots of blessing, it's better. If curse is not enough, I recommand that switch curse spell into Shrivelling + Rite of Seeking and choose Ancient Covenant instead. Blessing of Isis only deck is also good.