Tanky Mark Harrigan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3093

Hi guys! This is a deck idea I had about Mark Harrigan and I'd like to share it. Let's see the upgrades before we talk about it:

  1. 2x "If it bleeds..." --> 2x Elder Sign Amulet

  2. Stick to the Plan

  3. 1x Prepared for the Worst --> 1x Ever Vigilant (Stick Prepared for the Worst, Ever Vigilant and Emergency Cache under Stick to the Plan)

  4. 1x .32 Colt --> 1x Shotgun

  5. 1x Guts --> 1x Extra Ammunition

  6. 1x Guts --> 1x Custom Ammunition

  7. 1x Dodge --> 1x "I've had worse…"

  8. 2x Vicious Blow --> 2x Vicious Blow (2)

So, the point of the deck is to do the classic Guardian stuff, ie. kill enemies, while throwing Survival Knife in the mix for more fun and effectiveness on our job. But in order to be able to use Survival Knife effectively we need to be able to take hits. True Grit and Guard Dog will serve as damage soak and Elder Sign Amulet will serve as horror soak. Being able to take horror hits is very important for Mark Harrigan, because his weakness can be lethal at times, so Elder Sign Amulet is the most important card in the deck. "If it bleeds..." serves as a janky horror soak before we get to Elder Sign Amulet, which will be our very first upgrade.

This deck also has a lot of damage healing. With 2 copies of Emergency Aid and Second Wind, you should be able to take plenty of health hits, as well as use Sophie without reaching the 5 damage threshold that makes Sophie flip.

As you progress in the Campaign, you will get Stick to the Plan and Ever Vigilant, which will help a ton with your economy. This will allow you to play more assets and/or events that will help you tank the enemies, and it will be very important later in the campaign, when you will have picked up Shotgun with Extra and Custom Ammunition. Ideally, you want to play your Shotgun with Bandolier to keep Survival Knife in play, so that you wreck those bosses harder. With strong early economy and those cards at your disposal, late in the campaign you should be a force to be reckoned with.

Specific card inclusions:

Take the Initiative: I like this card on Mark Harrigan. Sophie allows him to buff ANY test so this card is a good complement to this ablity. If you use Sophie ONCE, plus throw this card, you get a glaring +5 to any test!! That's useful as hell!! Plus it's great to buff Shotgun!

Shortcut: I find myself in situations sometimes where my actions aren't enough to do what I want to do. This card is useful for such situations. I would really want to add a second one, but deckslots aren't enough. Feel free to swap it out for an Elusive or whatever else you feel like adding.

Dodge/"I've had worse…": While these cards do not synergize very well with Survival Knife, I would never play a Mark Harrigan deck without at least one copy of them. Things might get rough and if Mark gets a lot of health and horror hits he won't be in a good spot, so these cards can be a real lifesaver.

Bandolier: While this is not a top-tier card, I like its utility. Yes it can be too expensive to actually play this card + Shotgun + Extra or Custom Ammunition, but I really want the third weapon slot. Shotgun will eventually run out of ammo, so I want to have a back-up.

Custom Ammunition: This card is expensive XP-wise, but it's really good if you can get it. Most strong enemies in the game have the Monster trait and this card helps an awful lot. This deck is not very demanding in XP, so you can get it without setting you back from getting other important upgrades. Feel free to swap it for a second Extra Ammunition if you have different preferences.

Other Notes:

  • Mark Harrigan is prone to his signature weakness. If drawn at a bad time, it can actually kill him. So, at the early stages of the campaign, where you won't have Elder Sign Amulet yet, it's important to keep your sanity at high levels. "If it bleeds..." helps with that, but it's not reliable. So, other cards that heal horror included in your teammate decks are welcome. I will refer specifically to Logical Reasoning. This card helps this deck a ton. Not only can it heal horror, but it can also remove Frozen in Fear, which is a card that Mark will struggle to remove later in the campaign when Guts will have gone out of the deck. That's mainly because Take the Initiative does not help with Frozen in Fear at all, because the test will occur at the end of your turn, when Take the Initiative will be a dead card. That means, your only defense against it is Unexpected Courage and Sophie, which could be sufficient at times, but, depending on the situation, it could be troublesome. So, Logical Reasoning is a very welcome support card for this deck.

  • Interestingly enough, instead of Elder Sign Amulet, you can pick up Key of Ys. It occupies the same slot and has the same amount of horror soak as the Elder Sign Amulet, though it comes with a very powerful effect. I prefer Elder Sign Amulet though, because it's cheaper XP-wise and I want to speed up on getting other XP cards which i feel are important in the deck, like Stick to the Plan and Shotgun. Plus Key of Ys is better when you have other horror-soak cards to protect it from getting discarded. The only other horror soak this deck has is Guard Dog, so it can't really serve as protection to Key of Ys.

In the end, this deck will serve as a classic Guardian deck that wrecks enemies while having the ability up to a grade to sustain its operator from the evils faced from the Mythos. Not too unique, but it's something. Hope you liked it.


Oct 09, 2018 ArkhamInvestigator · 294

I like this Mark Harrigan build. Definitely a good focus on healing! I think cards that heal damage are much more effective in Mark Harrigan builds than they are for other investigators, so I think Emergency Aid and Second Wind are good inclusions.

Have you gotten a chance to run this build yet? I think that 5 weapon assets with 2 copies of Prepared for the Worst tends to leave me with a few extra weapons when I'm playing Guardian investigators. For me, the sweet spot is normally 4 weapons with 1 copy of Prepared for the Worst - this gives me a few good targets for a mulligan. I also like having just 1 Prepared for the Worst so that I can target it with Stick to the Plan later on!

I see that you also have a few assets that rely on Mark getting hit in order to work well - mainly Guard Dog and Survival Knife. Do you find that you get to use these abilities often? In my experience, Mark can normally deal damage reliably enough that enemies are dead before they get the chance to counterattack, and Mark normally tries to avoid counterattacks anyways because he wants to save all his hearts for Sophie.

It also looks like this build is done for multiplayer since it doesn't look like there's much for getting clues, such as Evidence! or Scene of the Crime. Even Flashlight can help Mark score clues occasionally, especially if he enlists the help of Sophie. I think it's fine to ignore the clue options to focus on fighting, though. Mark is an incredible fighter and I think your build helps him hone in on what he does best.

If you were looking for recommendations, I think that you would benefit from dropping the 2 Survival Knife cards as well as one of the Prepared for the Worst cards. I think you can pretty confidently replace it with a second .32 Colt and Mark will still be able to hurt things with his monstrous 5 skill.

I would personally replace Guard Dog with something, but I'm not sure what. Maybe some Overpower cards?

If you free up your ally slot, you could potentially invest experience in Brother Xavier. The +1 will help protect you from horror-inducing treacheries. Mark would also welcome the extra horror and damage soak. He is also cheaper to acquire than the Elder Sign Amulet (and can be also run alongside Key of Ys!).

What are your plans for using this deck in action? Did you have specific cards in mind to keep under Stick to the Plan? Emergency Cache seems like a given as well as Ever Vigilant, but I wasn't sure what you thought for the last slot.

Oct 09, 2018 matt88 · 3093

Thank you for your recommendations, Brother Xavier with Key of Ys seems like a good idea!! I hadn't thought about it!! The point of the deck though is to try to make use of of Survival Knife as Mark Harrigan so I wouldn't want to drop neither that nor Guard Dog. I haven't had the chance to play this deck yet so I don't know how it would go, but from my experience from playing other Guardians, sometimes your actions just aren't enough to clear the enemies so Survival Knife is really useful in those cases and this is also the reason why I have included one copy of Shortcut. I also generally like including 2 copies of Prepared for the Worst because I want to make sure I get a weapon fast enough, especially if I'm running Survival Knife, since that is a different kind of weapon and you can't really use it as your main one, but I do intend to cut 1 copy of it after I obtain Stick to the Plan and Ever Vigilant. Prepared for the Worst will also be the third card on Stick to the Plan (since you asked -you can also see that in my deck description). The plan is to have a solid opening with a guaranteed weapon play and have strong economy so that I can play all those assets and events that will help me tank the enemies, as well as be able to use Shotgun with Extra or Custom Ammunition later in the campaign. I like this build and I believe it will perform well.