I played Vincent for the first time recently and I had a BLAST. He is a capable clue finder and strong assistant. Mostly I just really want to share a phenomenal combo that I found to be very strong and easy to pull of
As many other comments and reviews have pointed out, Bandages are Vincent's friends. Other investigators (at your location) can trigger the healing on their turns and still benefit from your innate power to get On the Mend. But specifically, the other investigator you want to bring along is Mark Harrigan. He starts every game with Sophie in play, allowing him to inflict a damage to himself for a +2 to a skill check (also triggering his own innate to draw a card, at least the first time). If I'm not missing any timing issues, this self inflicted damage also puts his copy of On the Mend into his hand which he can throw into that same skill check that Sophie is boosting. The end result is Mark can burn charges off Vincent's Bandages as +4 to a skill check, or +2 to this skill check and a ?? card banked for the next one, and the free card draw is just icing on the cake.
Also, as a twist you might not have considered, Vincent is a great candidate for an item heavy deck. Running Geared Up, Backpacks (upgrade them ASAP), and Schoffner's Catalogue is a fun way to go all-in on items (not unusual to have 7 item assets in play at the end of turn 1). Vincent can play Scavenging, and while it's not an item and cannot be pulled with Backpack or paid for by the Catalogue, it does keep the critical items (like Bandages) coming back. Oh, and if you go with this Item heavy setup be sure to throw in the Segment of Onyx, it's a joke how often you can complete the set of 3 with this setup.