Ancient Stone

Drawing encounter cards does not trigger this effect, also see FAQ from Dr. Henry Armitage.

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Django · 5108
Oppressive Mists

Drawing encounter cards does not trigger this effect, also see FAQ from Dr. Henry Armitage.

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Django · 5108
Ancient Stone

Let's say i have this and the damage Ancient Stone in play. I draw 3 cards. Can i use this one to move 3 to an enemy and then use the damage stone to kill it?

Drawing encounter cards does not trigger this effect, also see FAQ from Dr. Henry Armitage

As for the review: While this card has a nice effect, it has several problems:

  • has other move effects like Pathfinder, Shortcut or Pendant of the Queen
  • It occupies a hand slot, so it conflicts with many other great hand assets, like the damage stone or any dream diary


  • You can enter unrevealed locations. If you draw enough cards, you could reveal all locations for "free", to locate victory locations plan ahead which ones you need to clear (lowest shroud).
    • This allows you to play Deciphered Reality
    • Some locations have effects on reveal or enter, so be careful
  • Once all secrets are used up, play another hand asset (like damage stone) to replace it
  • Depending on your the stone's 2 give you a decent chance at evading
Django · 5108
You can stack the triggers in any order you like, so you can move first and then do damage if you have both stones. — SGPrometheus · 821
If you're Minh, you don't even need to take Versatile for Scavenging. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Rex also doesn't need Versatile and was already aiming for the succeed by 2 anyways. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Perhaps a minor thing, but this combos with Deciphered Reality. Zoom around revealing all the locations and then grab a clue from everywhere. — khoshekh · 5
I have a question. I think I know the answer but I will ask anyway: does this trigger when you draw encounter cards? My guess would be no because even if you are technically drawing a card, the rules reference for drawing points out that if you are instructed to draw a card you always draw from your deck. Also, for reasons of consistency of card texts, I guess that it would be mentioned if encounter cards were included. — dr31ns5mf · 1

This card can help any Rouge or off-class Rouge paired with a Guardian with a Machete to get them engaged with an enemy. Also Rouges have spare actions to do this instead of wasting precious Machete-chopping time for the Guardian, and they may get it easier to activate Pickpocketing when doing so.

anjopec · 74
It can also provide support for their "succeed by two" mechanic. — FractalMind · 44

At only 1 resource and 2XP, this upgrade to Wendy's Amulet looks like a terrific way to make her more reliable!

As a neat bonus, it can be included in non-Wendy decks that may lack reliable tutors, to dig out such as:

Grab two of them so that even if you don't pull the 1-of that you're looking for, there's a good chance you'll find a Backpack in your Backpack, so you can tutor after you tutor. (If you like that.)

HanoverFist · 739
Consider also that Joey "the Rat" Vigil could make this fast. The L3 version could also discard it from play and pay you 2 resources (either for Scavenging shenanigans or because it's empty and you don't need it anymore). — Zinjanthropus · 229
@Zinjabthropus the bag already discards itself when empty. But his upgrade sounds really awesome. — Docteur_Hareng · 7
Codices — OrionJA · 1
And the other wierd keys that aren't really keys because they're Ys. — suika · 9484
Wondering why he hotlinked Guard Dog in the last sentence. — Pinchers · 130
"yo dog" — Zerogrim · 295
^^ — HanoverFist · 739
I came back 4 years later and got the joke this time. Intellect 1 with an autofail token, that's me — Pinchers · 130