One-Two Punch

“Explain it to me again.” Akachi was preparing another Shrivelling blast against an archer, trying to duck and weave while still pushing Randall's wheelchair through the underbrush.

“Because it looks like your brother is only using the knife on defense. That seems ineffective. And the seems complicated.”

“I thought you were all about spirits.”

The shaman sighed, as nearby the boxer defeated a warrior with a patented combination, readying for another.

MrGoldbee · 1470
"Get over here!"

Yorick readied his shovel. His coat was in tatters, his beloved teddy bear ripped into shreds before his eyes... And the unquiet dead of prehistory had begun to surround him. It wouldn’t be a fun fight, even if he wasn’t bleeding internally.

“Why don’t you take on a real man?” yelled the pugilist from two blocks and 1000 years away.

The monsters turned...and charged. The gravedigger smiled faintly at the sound of skulls hitting the pavement.

MrGoldbee · 1470
Lesson Learned

The serpent’s sword had left a small cut on the boxer’s ear. It scared him more than it hurt him. After being in the ring with Bruiser Houlihan for eight rounds, Nathan knew his way around a beating. “The passage to the left. That’s where he came out of.” As Nathan readied his survival knife, Detective Luxley shot the beast in the head.

MrGoldbee · 1470
This should read: — MrGoldbee · 1470
The serpent’s sword had left a small cut on the boxer’s ear. It scared him more than it hurt him. After being in the ring with Bruiser O’Houlihan for eight rounds, Nathan knew his way around a beating. “The passage to the left. That’s where he came out of.” As Nathan readied his survival knife, Detective Luxley shot the beast in the head. — MrGoldbee · 1470

Winnifred loves this one. You play two skills to a test, you get to draw a card. One stays in your hand if you super succeed on the test. So every skill test, you get to draw a card. Your hand stays steady. Soon you need your own cave to store all the wine you stole.

MrGoldbee · 1470
since winnifred has to commit 2 different skill cards, you can't increase your hand by comitting two Opportunist. So her hand stays the same size through her ability with Opportunist, rather than growing — niklas1meyer · 1
Have tried, can confirm, Winifred loves Opportunist. You're pretty much always trying to win by 2 anyway to benefit from Lucky Cigarette Case, Watch This, Quick Thinking, etc. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Nik is right! — MrGoldbee · 1470
I actually did not realize that, but they do still both return to your hand, so you can, e.g. commit 2x opportunist + QT + Watch This for +1 card, +4 skill modifier, and most likely +3 resources and +1 action (as well as Opportunist returning to hand).. It's still good. — Zinjanthropus · 229
yes they both return, but you wouldn`t come out with a netto of +1 card, you commited 4 cards, get 2 back and draw 1 with winifreds effect, so in the end your hand is -1 card — niklas1meyer · 1
If you aren't running Lucky Cigarette Case with Winifred, you're doing it wrong, though. I have found that her ability + LCC + 2xPickpocketing 2 is plenty to keep her hand full. Opportunist helps if you aren't evading something or if you need to increase the number of cards in hand — Zinjanthropus · 229
To be clear, I think Opportunist 2 (especially if you have 2 copies) is good for Winny because it allows her to push her skill value into succeed-by-two range without sacrificing _as many_ cards in hand. In many cases, you can successfully replace the cards you spent, and in some cases (with Pickpocketing 2 + Lucky Cigarette Case) it lets you net cards in hand — Zinjanthropus · 229
Yeah never said something against that, just that commiting 2 copies of opportunists doesn't trigger winnifreds ability and so don't "increase" your hand size, just keeps it stable. Of course you can draw cards through other cards etc — niklas1meyer · 1
Stealth 2 gives her something close to a free evade each turn to trigger aforementioned cards — Django · 5108
Drawing Thin

At three experience, this stops being an auto-include for every single survivor. If you’re going for a big money deck, with teamwork to help out your buddies, you’re probably gonna make more than Jenny trying to get her hot streaks, as your toys cost less. Two bucks a turn every turn, or four bucks with two, in exchange for a failure or a more difficult action.

Making a test harder for yourself, especially if you have other failure cards, can be a strategy, but it’s no longer -the- strategy*. And as much as I love playing Rita and having an economy made from two copies of one card, this is a reasonable taboo.

*Unless you're Stella.

MrGoldbee · 1470
I think it's still a good Rita choice, as she tends to be bad at reliably failing tests (because of her +2 Elder Sign) without it. Also with two copies the card draw can really be beneficial for finding Peter, Track Shoes, etc. But yeah, it's definitely not an auto-include anymore. — Zinjanthropus · 229