
This could be a very useful (though easily overlooked) card for Amina Zidane. It's likely that she will start with at least 2 trauma from In The Thick of It or Arcane Research.

Her ability to put discounted assets into play overcomes the worst thing about this card - its 4 resource cost. Since it's a support card she can likely wait until the midnight hour to play it (or whenever, if she has Elle around to hold her minestrone).

Bloodw4ke · 81
Nature of the Beast

For large group, Nature of the Beast is good card. This card is compared to Drawn to the Flame in that it make the investigator a encounter card. Only 1 clue is discovered, but at any location by any investigator. This card provides remote discover tool. This card gives the fighter a clue to avoid clue spending encounter like Hunting Shadow. In addition, 3 encounter cards are given and 1 is resolved and the others are discarded. It means that discarded encounters are not drawn in this encounter cycle. In addition, chosen card is drawn by any investigator. For 3 or 4 player game, commonly 1 of 3 is easy to handle by one of the player.

When I used, I confront two annoying situations. The first is when the number of the encounter deck is less than 3. I had to choose two of one, or choose one of one. The other is when no clue exists at any revealed location. Then, I had to draw encounter card without advantage.

For small (1/2) group, this card is good with another meaning. Many users comments in this review, so check those if you're interested :)

elkeinkrad · 497
"For large group, Nature of the Beast is good card." You mean, for solo and small group, Nature of the Beast is great card? I see no particular advantage in big groups. Sure, you can pick and choose even from a wider selection, which card would wiff or be near impactless. But 1 clue is worth more, the less investigators are in the game. And the chance, you mentioned, that the encounter deck gets depleated is near impossible in solo, much more likely, the more players there are. — Susumu · 371
I suppose he means that it's in lager groups easier to find someone who can easily handle one of the cards. Nevertheless with 3 cards the chance is good that even a solo player find a card he can handle. — Tharzax · 1
Certainly, but that's the issue, imho. 1 clue is so much more worth in solo, and you should nearly always be able to deal with one of the three cards easily even in solo. Besides, you discard the other two, which in itself can be a huge boon in solo, if at least one of them is something really bad for your investigator. — Susumu · 371
In solo / small group, I see this card more as "encounter deck protection", with the clue being an added (but welcome) bonus. You get to discard two encounter cards of your choosing (a dangerous treachery targeting a skill that nobody can face, a tough monster, an Ancient Evil-analog when no mystic is around) for the "cost" of facing an encounter card now, but that you can direct to the investigator most likely to face it successfully. — DrOGM · 25
@Susumu // My intend is that "for 3/4 player party, the cost of NotB could be negligible." As I saw the comments, NotB will be good for small group. In fact, I always play AHLCG with 3 or 4 players, so I sometimes miss the case of solo/duo. — elkeinkrad · 497
I think if you bring a pair of these in solo or two player, you're going to have to be pretty cagey about card draw and possibly make some bad short-term plays in order to have a clue ready for the upleep phase. Whiffing on one of these is pretty rough. Could be fun but it's more flexible and reliable in larger groups. — housh · 171
Empirical Hypothesis

0xp: Empirical Hypothesis is almost similar as Lucky Cigarette Case. Let's assume we always choose the criteria "You succeed at a test by 3 or more," since this criteria is more robust to trigger than the other. Then, Empirical Hypothesis is just non-slot LCC(0). Of course, we need 1 additional succeed and cannot trigger during just played round (since we choose the criteria at the start of the round). However, we can choose the timming of the draw. It's useful if we want to shuffle the thin deck just before resolving the weakness or shuffle empty deck before searching the deck. For easy/standard difficulty, 0xp version is still good and even hard difficulty I think gooda.

0xp is enough good, so we may not upgrade this card. The below part is related to the upgrade and just as reference.

3xp: I suggest the 3xp upgrade as Field Research + Peer Review. It's a note that the criteria is chosen at the start of the round, before the encounter cards are drawn during the mytho phase. In this reason, it's hard to guess which criteria is suitable. I think, Field Research + Peer Review is easy to trigger. With Field Research + Peer Review, Empirical Hypothesis is triggered if we're in the location with 3+ shroud and another investigator is in our locationb.

Another upgrade candidates:

  • Alternative Hypothesis(4xp): For multiplayer, we have two great criteria: Field Research, 3+ succeed. One problem is that we check which one is first and choose one.
  • Research Grant(2xp): If you have not enough money source, this upgrade gives backup plan. This upgrade converts 2 cards into 3 resources, which is common trade ratio in AHLCG. Considering 2xp upgrade, it's not efficient trade but fair trade (or backup plan).
  • One criteria considering your group: If we upgrade all above, Empirical Hypothesis is now 9xp and we have Peer Review. For easlier triggering of Alternative Hypothesis, one additional criteria is good, IMO. For instance, Trial and Error with Mark. Independent Variable is also considerable as second criteria with Alternative Hypothesis.

I do not recommand Irrefutable Proof. Commonly, drawing 3 cards is valuable than discovering 1 cluea.

a) I has not play expert difficulty. This may not true for expert difficulty.

b) Since the text states "when the chosen criteria is met", this ruling may be wrong. IMO, when is not meaning as triggering timing considering the movement of the unrevealed location.

elkeinkrad · 497
When spending XP in this card, it is always important to look back at what you get in return. I can spend XP in more criteria/peer review, but then it just becomes an 3/4xp LCC which is not so good anymore. You sure have to build around the lvl 1 to secure high success reliably, but once this is covered, you get great return on no investment, which is what makes this card so good at lvl 0, and meh as a customizable. But that's just my opinion maybe. — Valentin1331 · 73619
I agree @Valentin133 . I've been running it in my latest Rex Murphy deck, and since it's a great card already, I haven't really felt the need to invest xp into it compared to other cards I could take. — Nenananas · 258
@Valentin1331, I agree that 0xp is still good and no upgrade is necessary. I clearly write this part. Thanks you comment this. It's another story that I like 3xp upgrade because I want to avoid accurately calculating to check the number of success to trigger this card :) — elkeinkrad · 497
@Valentin1331, while everything you've said is true, the counter-argument is that the xp cost is divided among two cards. Something like LCC requires Relic Hunter to have two copies. For 3 xp, you can make this better than LCC and you still have two copies... And your neck slot available. I'm not saying this is always better but I do feel it has its uses to be upgraded. — tcrudisi · 43
As it is 1 per investigator, you cannot play 2 copies of it. So you can't do what you are doing with LCC + Relic Hunter — vidinufi · 69
String of Curses

I want to add a bit to the other review that you can choose enemy engaged with the other investigator to easily tear it off. Perhaps you can choose a better investigator to engage in the Upkeep Phase. It's a handy rescue card though you can't just gang on it yet this round. Parley ensure you can do it even if you are busy fighting something else, so having this card on hand gives the clue finder at the same location insurance that they will not have engagement and can continue working. (on top of 1 clue you just helped removing)

5argon · 10730
Can we use this card to expose Mini Concealed card by automatically evade it? — a12345vn · 2
Yes, the SK book specifically says that auto succeed cards work. Page 4. — Taevus · 775
Sorry but that's not quite right. String of Curses requires you to choose an enemy at your location when you play it. Concealed enemies are not actually at your location (they're in "the shadows"), and concealed mini-cards are not enemies. — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
Call of the Unknown

Very insightful reviews! One thing that might be added post-EotE is how Gené Beauregard can potentially neutralize this weakness (at least sometimes). This is a great Ally --- in Ursula Downs as in other seekers (and in rogues, of course) --- so purchasing/playing her ALSO for the purpose of coping with Call of the Unknown in no way feels like wasting XP/resources.

With our "Intrepid Explorer", you may move a clue around among connecting locations. How is this helpful in this specific case? As Ursula, it may so happen that you absolutely cannot afford to tank the 2 horror which your weakness threatens to inflict. If so, then you're forced to designate a location as the locus of Call of the Unknown that may be conveniently (and with success) investigated this round, even if this location doesn't have any clues (it's like scrambling for a successful investigate action, its only use being the negative one of not taking horror). Such a "dead" investigation nets you no clues whatsoever, thereby costing you tempo.

Enter Gené: even if the location you choose as the destination of the Call of the Unknown doesn't currently hold a clue, you may be able to move one there from a neighbouring location (which itself may be blocked by an enemy, a scenario effect, or have too high shroud, etc). If you manage to pick up this relocated clue, you've effectively mitigated the extent to which your signature weakness forces your hand (which ideally is holding a Magnifying Glass or some such helpful tool). Ideally --- though this might not happen often --- you thereby actually turn a disadvantage into tempo.

Is this tactic absolutely waterproof? Certainly not, as its success hinges on many moving parts; in general, signature weaknesses would be laughable if they could be circumvented reliably. But I do think Gené Beauregard may help out Ursula every once in a while, in this case as in others (they seem to be best buddies anyway).

EDIT: Just realized that Pocket Telescope may trivialize this weakness every once in a while. Having both the Telescope AND Gené in your play area significantly reduces the danger of losing tempo from this weakness.

I can confirm: have seen this combo in action on a friend, and it was very useful. You can even move the clue from the one location not eligible to choose for CotU: Your location at the start of your turn. — Susumu · 371
Re: "in general, signature weaknesses would be laughable if they could be circumvented reliably." — Kulko · 1
If above where true why are there other single cards which trialize Weaknesses (Norman, Trish). That combo might work, but it still a lot harder for Ursula to handle her weakness than others — Kulko · 1