Tool Belt

Question: Tool Belt blanks the text box of the attached asset. The "Limit 1 per Investigator" is part of Pocket Multi Tool's text box. You should be able to attach 1 and have another one unattached in play so you can use one, then swap them and use the other one.

Even if you put the first copy on your tool belt, the second copy (the one that you're about to play) still has that text and thus can't enter play because it would conflict with the already existing one. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
The card name is not part of the "text box" and thus not blanked ...I think — Timlagor · 5
But you could play the first one, use it, then attach it (blanking the limit), and then play the second (and use it). Nothing wrong with that. — AlderSign · 309
Hawk-Eye Folding Camera

Do not know man, it saved me the ass with Amanda a couple of times in TCU with the extra sanity. The first time I was cursing my fate when I realized I got an extra sanity!!! :).

It takes time to build, but seekers main function is investigate.

Jargandona · 8
Sure, but it doesn't help investigate for a while, unlike Magnifying Glass, which is cheaper and fast. I think Hawk-Eye Folding Camera fits best in a build where you want the Willpower or you at least start at 5 int, so you're not struggling as much to investigate early. — DjMiniboss · 44
Innsmouth Harbour

We're genuinely confounded with why anyone would like to merely look at a card on the Leads deck only to then shuffle it back in. What good will that ever do for us? Simply looking at a card doesn't trigger Revelation, right? Even "revealing" a card from a deck shouldn't trigger it, only Drawing triggers Revelations. So why would we ever care for this effect?

Scio · 2
The goal of the scenario is to sus out what are the location / suspect absent from the leads deck. Triggering this effect lets you look at one of the leads cards. If it is a suspect or location you hadn't seen before, you can eliminate that cards from the possible suspects and your future guess becomes more accurate ! — aurchen · 11
Butterfly Swords

Duda. ¿Qué ataque tiene +1? El primer ataque o el segundo? Al indicar Ese ataque (that attack) por tiempo y posición, entiendo que el primer ataque es el que hace +1 de daño. Mientras que el segundo sería este (This)...

Erwilly · 1
El primer ataque no tiene daño extra. Solo lo tiene el segundo. — rodro · 205
Down the Rabbit Hole

I really misread the card and now I can't delete this useless post.... if someone can, please do it.

Beta · 1